Aliens Alien Harvest - By Robert Sheckley Page 0,59

be as easy as that The controls are all screwed up."

"Can't he fix them?"

Stan shook his head. "Sure, given time, but we don't have much of that. First we're going to have to get into communication with the Dolomite again. Gill, have you had any luck in raising Captain Hoban?"

"I haven't gotten him yet, sir," Gill said. "Something serious seems to have happened to the Dolomite."

"That's just great," Stan said. "I wish he'd call."

"He will," Gill affirmed. "I know Captain Hoban. He would make contacting us his first priority."

"Well, it gives us a little time. A chance to do something I've long wanted to do."

Julie looked at him. "Stan, what are you talking about?"

"I want to take a look inside that hive." He looked hard at Gill, as if daring him to challenge him. Gill felt momentarily uncomfortable and glanced at Julie, who gave an almost imperceptible shrug. Gill reminded himself that it was difficult to assess the situation and impossible to pass judgment on humans.

"Just as you say, sir," Gill said at last.

"Norbert, are you standing by?" Stan demanded. "I am, Dr. Myakovsky."

"Okay. I take it all your systems are functioning properly?"

"All my readings are in the green," Norbert reported.

"Is your suppressor working properly?"

Norbert checked. "It is, sir."

"And Mac's ?"

Norbert bent over the dog. "It is functioning correctly."

"Then turn it off and open the harvester port."


"Norbert, are you having synapse failure? Didn't you hear me?"

"It is such an unusual order, Doctor, that I wanted to be certain I understood it correctly. When I turn off Mac's collar, that will render him visible to the aliens."

"That's exactly what I had in mind," Stan said. "We're going to make the aliens a little present of Mac."

"Give him to the aliens?"

"That's right. You aren't going soft on me, are you, Norbert?"

"No, sir. But is it necessary?"

"Of course it is. They'll probably take Mac directly to the queen. They give the queen all the best stuff first, don't they?"

"I think so, sir. So it is reported in the literature."

"That's right," Stan said, with a laugh. "For a moment I forgot you weren't one yourself."

Gill and Julie looked at each other. Gill frowned slightly and looked away. Julie pursed her lips. She didn't much like what was happening. But what the hell, it was no business of hers.

Stan explained. "Mac will represent food to them. A tasty little morsel fit for a king. Only in this case it's a queen. That's who they'll take Mac to. And you, my dear robotic friend, will follow them. Protected by your own suppressor, they won't even see you. Without suspecting a thing, they'll lead you through the labyrinth to the royal birthing chamber. Through your eyes I'll get the first pictures ever taken of the queen of this hive. I'll be doing a unique service to science. That's worth any number of little dogs like Mac. He's just a common mutt. But you, Norbert, are unique."

Stan turned to face Julie and Gill. Light glinted off his glasses. His face was drawn. His voice, high and strained, rose as he asked, "Does anyone here have any objections?"

Gill looked away and didn't answer. Julie looked faintly annoyed as she said, "Give them Mac or a kennelful of mutts, it makes no difference to me. But would you mind telling me, just to satisfy my own curiosity, why are you doing this?"

"It's the only way I can'be sure of getting Norbert into the hive quickly without him having to spend God knows how long looking for a way in. The outside of the nest is sealed against the weather, as you might have noticed. Did you check that out? The aliens must have a whole system of tunnels for getting in or out There must be a hundred miles of tunnel in something that big. This way I'll have Norbert lay down an electronic path."

Gill said, "What purpose will that serve, Doctor?"

"Two at least," Stan said. "First, with Norbert videotaping as he goes, we'll provide science with an invaluable record of life inside an alien hive. And second, we can come back here whenever we like to collect more jelly."

"Now you're talking, Stan," Julie said. "I knew you weren't just antidog."

"Of course not. As a matter of fact, I'll have Norbert try to rescue Mac when they've reached the queen's chamber."

"That might not be possible," Gill said.

Stan shrugged. "Let's get going. Norbert, do it!"
Chapter 50
"Nope," Morrison said. "I can't get a reading."

"Let me try," said Larrimer. He fiddled with the Copyright 2016 - 2024