Aliens Alien Harvest - By Robert Sheckley Page 0,36

Stan. Created a robot alien good enough to fool the real ones."

"Except for the pheromones," Stan pointed out.

"You've taken care of that, too. With the short range zeta fields you've developed, plus the pheromone altering qualities of the royal jelly, the aliens will think Norbert is one of them."

Stan nodded. "Just like it was with Ari." Stan was referring to how his cybernetic ant, Ari, had been programmed to enter the colony of a similar looking ant species, where the other ants accepted him as the real thing.

"How close are we now, Stan?" Julie asked.

Stan punched up the computer screen in front of him. Numbers flowed across it, and lines weaved in and out and then held firm.

"We're nearing the vicinity of AR 32," Stan told her. "It's time to get the crew out of hypersleep."

"The adventure begins," Julie said softly.

"That's right." Stan took out the ampoule of royal jelly again. "We need a lot more of this stuff, and AR 32 has it for us. It's funny how a single substance can be both more valuable than diamonds and more necessary for life than water. More necessary for my life, anyhow."

He swirled the little glass tube and watched the liquid flow. Then he looked at Julie.

"You look very lovely tonight."

She smiled back mockingly. "Pretty as a shot glass, as they'd say in the Old West."

"No, I really mean it," Stan said. "You know how I feel about you, don't you?"

"Maybe I do," Julie said. "But it's not because you ever talk about it."

"I've always been shy," Stan said. Abruptly he swallowed the ampoule. I'm going to go lie down now, Julie. Let's talk more later."

Without waiting for her answer, Stan shambled off to his small office just to the right of the main control room entrance. Within it a folding cot was built into the wall. He lay down on it now, without bothering to take off his glasses.

With Xeno Zip there was no habituation. Each time was like the first. It always amazed him just how quickly the stuff took effect. It was like no other drug he had ever tried, neither medicinal nor recreational, and Stan had tried them all. Alien royal jelly was neither a stimulant nor a soporific, though it had effects similar to both. Primarily it was a way of gaining instant access to all parts of your own brain, a royal road to your own dreams and memories. With royal jelly you could zoom in on your past like a skilled photographer zooming in on a detail, readjusting focus to bring up those images that had faded out You could freeze the frame on what seemed like reality. You could see what you wanted to see, as often as you liked, and then step outside the frame and watch yourself in the act of seeing. Nor was that all it did. Royal jelly was a painkiller, too, relieving the throb of the cancer that was shattering his life.

The vial dropped from his fingers. It fell to the floor, taking no more than a fraction of a second to shatter on the deck. And in that microsecond, Stan watched it all happen again.


First came the rush. It seemed to move along his arteries, and Stan pictured himself, a tiny man in a canoe adrift on the great red waters of his bloodstream. The vision exploded into a thousand fragments, and in each fragment the scene was repeated. The fragments of his vision came together, like millions of diamond particles striving to become a diamond, and then exploded outward again like firework displays arcing in all directions. He could hear a sound that was accompanying this, and he couldn't tell what it was at first, a deep throated roar that could have come from no human source. At first he thought it was the gods singing, great choruses of ancient gods wearing strange headdresses, some with the heads of ducks and turtles, some jaguars, some foxes. And near them, suspended in shining space, were other choirs of women gods, full breasted Brunhildes and slender Naiads, and their song was full of sorrow and promise.

As the ampoule fell to the floor, Stan was already dozing fitfully. Tiny muscles in his eyelids jerked and twitched: REM sleep, but of a previously unheard of intensity. Dream sleep, but with awareness. Blue green lights played across his face. It was a broad face, with the beginning of a double chin. Light glinted off his glasses and threw a shadow Copyright 2016 - 2024