Aliens Alien Harvest - By Robert Sheckley Page 0,16

of you. First, however, it will be necessary to teach you a lesson. Sfat!"

The big man took a slow step toward her.

Julie said, "I thought it would be like that. Thanks, Khalil."

"For what?"

"For freeing me of any scruples. If I ever had any, you've put them completely out of my mind."

She turned to face Sfat, and took two steps toward him while Khalil folded his arms and waited for the fun to begin, a small smile on his lips.

Sfat lifted his arms, hands formed into blades. He bent his knees, feet pointed outward, and Julie recognized the typical fighting stance of a Saudi karate fighter. It was a technique that had its limitations. Sfat advanced, mincingly for so large a man, and his bearded face was set in a mask of cruelty. As he came within range his left hand darted out, the finger's shaped like a hawk's head.

She was ready for it, had been anticipating it. She ducked under the swooping blow and, with a short, economical kick, connected with Sfat's left kneecap. He had been turning as she kicked, and some of the force of the blow was lost. Nevertheless, it was enough to take his feet out from under him. He fell heavily, and Julie pounced.

But this time he caught her unawares. Sfat's clumsy fall had been feigned, and as she came leaping at him his arms and legs were drawn up cat fashion, and he lashed out, expecting to catch her in the solar plexus. She had seen her danger a moment before his counterstroke, however, and turning in midair, managed to avoid his flailing limbs. Her stiffened elbow caught him in the pit of the stomach, knocking the air out of him, and in the second it took him to recover, she ' rolled away and regained her feet.

Khalil had been watching all this dumbfounded. Now, belatedly, he stirred into action. He stepped forward, crouching in a classic knife fighter's pose. The weapon he carried in his right hand and low against his body was a yata, a traditional Yemeni dagger, about eight inches long, slightly curved, and sharpened to a razor edge. It was made from a Swedish saw blade, and fitted with an elaborate rhino horn handle. Arabic letters were engraved on the blade. Julie's eyes widened when she saw the weapon.

"You do well to fear the yata" Khalil said, advancing, light twinkling off the point like the gaze of a one eyed basilisk.

"Oh, I wasn't exactly afraid of it," Julie said. "Just surprised to see it. Rhino horn is not legally traded. Is it genuine?"

"Of course," Khalil said, feinting and then making a lightning stab at her. "I always kill with the genuine article."

"I'm sure glad to hear that," Julie said. That makes that knife extremely valuable!"

The blade darted toward her midsection. Julie spun, and the thing passed harmlessly along her left side. As it passed, her arm snapped down, trapping the weapon. Khalil began a long and elaborate Arabic curse in the guttural dialect of Omdurman, but got out no more than a couple of syllables before Julie's left elbow crashed with piledriver force into the middle of his face.

Blood streaming from his nose and mouth, Khalil stumbled backward, losing his grip on the knife that was still clamped under Julie's left arm.

"I'll just keep this for you," Julie said, slipping the knife into her belt. "It might reduce its value if we got blood all over it."

A feint to the midsection drew down Khalil's guard. Fingers folded in protectively, Julie snapped a blow. The heel of her hand caught Khalil where the upper lip meets the nose. Four of his front teeth cracked off clean at the gum line.

"You ought to thank me," Julie said. "I've corrected your overbite and haven't even charged you for it."

Khalil fell down screaming. He rolled on the floor clutching his head and whimpering. Bloody foam splattered from his mouth. Julie watched him critically for a moment, then muttered, "That ought to keep you occupied for a while."

She turned to Sfat. He had regained his feet, and although his balance was just the slightest bit off kilter, he was still formidable. If rage could kill, then Julie would be dead ten times over. He came toward her on the attack. He was about twice the weight of the slender girl and he was containing his fury now as he backed her into an angle of the wall, just to one side of an indifferent copy Copyright 2016 - 2024