Alien Paladin's Redemption - Mina Carter Page 0,15

He’d been playing this particular game as long as he’d been in service to the empire, and he’d gotten really good at it after the Vesh.

But, as his gaze scanned over the crew on the command deck, he frowned. Something was different. Instead of the whispers and sly looks he was used to, someone always watching him for something they could report and get him relieved of duty, all he saw were warriors getting on with their duties.

Occasionally one, sensing his gaze on them, would look up. But all they did was nod and go right back to what they were doing. Nothing more. Nothing less. It was like they didn’t even know what he was.

A frown creased his brow and he rubbed at the stubble on his chin. Was that possible? Had K’Vass not told his crew? And if no... then why. What did that gain him?

Unfortunately, without more information, his mind couldn’t begin to frame an answer to that question, so the communications officer clearing his throat was a welcome distraction.

“Commander, incoming long-range from Lathar prime.” The warrior looked up, his expression a little wide-eyed. “It’s the emperor, sir. He wishes to speak to you and the war commander.”

Nyek was out of his chair in a heartbeat. “Put it through to the conference room and notify the commander his presence is required.”

He strode across the deck, heart almost beating out of his chest. How things had changed. He’d gone from training incompetents how to survive their first battles to speaking to the emperor himself...

It was too good to be true; he knew that. Something was bound to happen to ruin this unexpected good fortune and put him right back to square one. But for now, he could at least enjoy the illusion.


Nyek wasn’t sure what to expect of his first meeting with Daaynal K’Saan. If he was honest, he’d never expected to meet the warrior emperor himself, even over long-range comms. He was a lowly S’Vaan... not the kind of warrior who could ever have expected to be in the emperor’s inner circle. Or anywhere close to it. Yet here he found himself, the second of a war commander who the emperor called directly. It was enough to make a male’s head spin if Nyek was the sort of male to be easily impressed.

Fortunately, he was not, which enabled him to nod in greeting and make the correct salute to the emperor as he appeared in holographic form on the other side of the conference room.

For a moment, Nyek spotted surprise and then something almost like recognition. But it could just as easily have been in his imagination because the next moment Daaynal’s expression was smooth and neutral, giving nothing away. Which was to be expected. A male like Daaynal didn’t retain the most sought-after throne in the known galaxy by wearing his heart on his sleeve. To play politics in the Latharian courts, he’d have to be as good an actor as he was a warrior... and on the battlefield there was said to be no equal.

Nyek didn’t allow that to sway him. While he paid fealty to the emperor, he also served a higher power, that of the lady herself as shown in the golden beads at the end of his braids. Each signified that every honor was not for himself or for his clan but for the lady goddess herself.

“Nyek S’Vaan, I presume?”

Nyek barely managed to conceal his start of surprise. Even though he knew the emperor had ordered this assignment, he hadn’t expected Daaynal to actually know his name.

“Yes, Imperial Majesty.” He gave a small bow, and by the time he straightened he had his expression under control. He didn’t know what game was being played here but there obviously was one. And he had no intention of becoming a pawn in a clash between the leviathans of the Latharian court.

Daaynal’s gaze swept down him. “Excellent. You appear... hardier than I’d anticipated. But then a male who has survived the Vesh should be hardy.”

“Through the grace of the lady herself I survived to serve the emperor.” He might have been a pious man, more concerned with faith and divine blessing than mortal dealings such as politics, but even Nyek knew sometimes he had to grease the wheels, especially with a male who literally held the power of life or death over him.

Daaynal arched an eyebrow. “I’d heard you were religious, but I trust that will not impede you in your duties aboard the Izal’vias.”

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