Alien Freak - Calista Skye Page 0,95

the Pyramid.

Averie drops down from her crate and comes towards me, then jumps up into my arms in front of everyone. That little gesture warms my heart more than I can say. She’s finally free, in every way.

“I’m sleepy,” she says into my ear. “Let’s go to bed in Ayarana Dawn.”

We say our goodbyes, and I carry her out through the triangular corridors.

“They like the videos I made,” she chirps happily. “Mila wants me to keep filming and make real documentaries. The Resistance on Earth can distribute them as proof that we are growing in space. Showing everyone that we are not helpless. That there are free Earthlings in space. It’s a good way to break down the growing acceptance of the slavery.”

“Thats wonderful, my love.”

“We have to be careful, though. It must be impossible to track us down through the videos. But that’ll be easy. Did you know this place was made by Elders?”

“Xan’tor told me.”

“But it’s not nearly as cool as Verv, the moon. Hey, you know how that maybe-Elder said that Earth is special? Mila and Emma heard that, too, from somewhere else. And it’s all about the Moon, we think.”

“I see.”

“But they also say that even though Ayarana Dawn is the coolest ship they’ve seen, the Bululg are guarding the Earth very carefully and it would be too dangerous to go there.”

“And we wouldn’t know what we were looking for,” I add. “It’s a big moon, as I recall.”

We enter our ship, and I carry her up to the admiral’s quarters again.

She lays on the bed, stretches and smiles mischievously. “I’m actually not sleepy at all. I just needed a break. The girls are cool, though. I love that they found us and that they want us. But we’re newlyweds! We have needs!”

She watches with interest as I take off my pants, and then she pulls her own jumpsuit off in one calm movement.

“Come here, you huge red hunk— hey!”

I turn off the lights, making the room completely dark. That’s when the heat sensors under my eyes work the best. Scanning my wife from top to toe, I confirm what I had started to suspect. Well, I can tell her later.

Then I silently walk around the bed and come at Averie from an unexpected direction. I can see in the dark, she can’t. That could make for some interesting and sexy games in our future.

“Where are you, my lovaaiieeee!”

I pounce on her from the side and start kissing her up down her delicious-smelling body. The forbidding note from the beginning is completely gone. Her scent is the same, it’s just that I have changed. I was patient and waited until she really wanted me, and the reward for that is almost unreasonably wonderful.

“Hahaha, stop! You crazy alien freak!” Averie laughs as my tongue tickles her.

I slow down and focus on certain parts of her, and the laughter turns to aroused moans.

There is a certain primitive joy to having a female like this, in the dark, when I can see and she can’t. But we have a lifetime to explore that. For now, I want to see my new bride in full.

I turn the lights back on and keep licking. “I can’t get enough of you.”

“Me, neither,” Averie whimpers. “You light up everything. You took me from Earth. And then you made me freer than I’ve ever been.”

“That makes me happy, my love. I need you to be free. My Dawn. My Fate. My forever.”

I lick up her leg to the blindingly hot juncture of her legs, seeing her most sensitive parts as hotspots where her lust is liquid.

She whimpers as my split tongue spins lightly around her most sensitive point. “Take me, my love. Own me, have me!”

I spread her legs and get into position. My cock finds its way to her soft folds, ready to penetrate.

She opens her dark, shiny eyes, glassy with lust.

I stare into them, seeing a bright future at last.

“Mine!” I growl.

Then I thrust.

© Calista Skye 2020

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To be continued in Alien Monster, Fall 2020

Dear reader,

I hope you liked Alien Freak, the second part of my new Alien Abductors series!

I had a lot of fun writing this one! I like my exotic aliens, I guess.

Zaroc is pretty conflicted about Averie most of the way through. A man on the run can’t afford any weaknesses, and he simply can’t allow himself to care about someone else. His feelings for Averie take him so much by surprise that he doesn’t even realize what he’s feeling until it is almost too late.

I think Averie was further gone into accepting the alien occupation of Earth than she thought. She didn’t even feel like she had a right to influence the world around her until IruBex threatened to kill Zaroc. I think the abbot saw it, though – he said she needed to find her center. I think he meant something like what we would call agency, the right to act decisively on our own behalf. Not always an easy thing. I actually find it pretty hard myself, sometimes. And I haven’t even been abducted (at least not yet, haha).

I know that a lot of readers want to hear more about Emma and her story, and she will definitely get her own book. Maybe even the next one? Wink, wink.

If you have comments about the book or maybe suggestions or you just want to say hi to the coolest scifi romance fans in the universe, come by my Facebook page right here.

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As always, reviews on Amazon, Goodreads or Bookbub are much appreciated.

Thanks again for reading my book! I hope you got something out of it.

Calista Copyright 2016 - 2024