Alien Freak - Calista Skye Page 0,92

can. “That remains to be seen. You survived my venom, and that’s actually proof positive. The legend implies that only the Dawn is impervious to it. Have you decided if you’re going to join the Resistance? They really want you.”

“Actually, they really want both of us. What do you think?”

I laugh for the first time in what feels like a very long time. “I think yes. How can we not?”

Averie cranes her neck and purses her lips, so I bend my neck and kiss her again.

She puts her hand behind my head. “You know, this ship needs a name. Nine Fifty-Five is nowhere near as poetic as you are showing yourself to be. How about Koyanara?”

I think about it. “Your idea honors me. And yet I think I’m probably done with Grandmother’s support for good. She has done her part and can finally rest. But I will never be done with you. What about Dawn?”

Averie looks me right in the eyes. “Ayarana Dawn. After your young sister and what we two are to each other.”

“You…” I start, my throat suddenly constricting. “You remember her... name?”

My wife shrugs. “She was your sister. And she was brave as fuck. Then it’s settled. This is the Fast Tactical Gunship Ayarana Dawn.”

I lift my wife and squeeze her hard. “You only heard her name once or twice, and it must have been strange to you. And still you remember. I’ve never known anyone to get me as emotional as you do. Please only use your power for good.”

“Oh, you think you’re any different? We both have to be careful about that. When you own someone’s heart, that’s serious power. Meanwhile, you own a lot more of me. And Mila is right. This is our honeymoon. Who said we would need to go anywhere tonight? The hatch is locked. We can just stay in here and give this gunship a real good baptism.”

There is both heat and action in my crotch when her words hit home. “You’re a genius as well as a dawn. Not bad.”

She cups my groin and sighs with pleasure. “I have many gifts, as it turns out. But only when I’m with you. Remind me to never show you how I fight with a stick.”

I quickly take the upper part of her jumpsuit apart at the hidden seams, revealing her breasts. “I’ll keep it in mind.”

Averie struggles with my pants. “How do I get this off?”

“Be careful, it’s my only pair.”

She grins. “It’s not, funny man. Not falling for that again.”

I scratch my chin. “Actually, after my old ship crashed…”

“Oh. These are your only pants now? You better do this yourself, then.”

Instead, I scoop her up and carry her to the admiral’s quarters on the upper deck and place her on the soft, wide bed. “I doubt I will want to do things myself ever again. Seven years alone is enough.”

She gets up on her knees and embraces my hips. “You’ll never be alone again. I promise.”

I stroke her long, shiny hair. “Neither will you. I love you, my Dawn.”

“And I love you. I think that’s all we need. Now it’s high time our wedding night starts. If not, it might be over before we know it.”

I point out the little viewport, which I suspect is actually a screen. The sky outside is showing a little bit of light at the horizon. “In fact, I think it’s dawn.”

Averie finds the switch to the screen and turns it off. “Never mind that. The only dawn you need to think about is right here.”

I lie down on top of her, putting just enough weight on her to get her attention. I’ve never been happier. “I know.”


- Averie -

“This place is… interesting.” I look around, not sure what to say.

“We call it the Pyramid,” Mila says. “It’s where we do most things. Like a combined kitchen and living room and storehouse and war room and armory. It’s a mess, but that can’t be avoided with these guys. That over there is Prash. You already know Renerak. That’s Frox right there, the unicycle with the tentacles? This is Beloron. And you probably guessed who Emma is.”

Mila’s sister stands up, comes over, and hugs me. “Hi, Averie. I’m so happy to meet you!”

I hug her right back. I can already tell that this one has something irresistible about her. “Me too, Emma.”

“So three girls,” the extremely exotic alien called Frox says. “Or is it four? Wink wink. All the monsters and I are really glad to Copyright 2016 - 2024