Alien Freak - Calista Skye Page 0,86

dead monks.” Of the three hundred, about ten died in the tower defense against the Bululg and another thirty when the tower collapsed. I had expected much greater casualties, but apparently most of them were able to avoid being crushed. They’re pretty quick on their feet.

The abbot just waves it away. “Oh, they were old and feeble. And they died in combat! The finest way to leave this life and enter the eternal halls. No, my only regret about this whole affair is that we were unable to protect you, Averie. I would have thought being on such a high floor would be safe, but unfortunately the enemy used dishonorable means. Flying machines to ascend a tower being properly defended in the most classical way! An absolute scandal. But it ended well.”

I point over at the frozen IruBex. “What will you do with him?”

“Oh, that takes care of itself,” the abbot says. “Come and see.”

We walk over to the big, upright centipede, still aiming its gun at an empty point in space.

I stop a respectful distance away. If he suddenly comes alive…

“Approach,” the abbot says, waving me closer. “It’s quite safe.”

I walk all the way up to the neutralized hunter. His skin looks weird… “Oh!”

“Surely, your bracelet deserves its Uncertainty name,” the abbot says. “I would not have guessed this. But it’s fitting, I suppose.”

I reach out and touch the hunter’s skin. It’s cold and grainy. “Like rock.”

“Yes,” the abbot confirms. “You – or rather, the bracelet – turned him to stone. Just like the stones of the tower. I certainly didn’t expect that. He must have died on the spot. And I’m happy to see that you found your center as last.”

“It was easy,” I explain. “He was going to kill the man I love. That was all I needed.”

“We will keep him as a statue. Possibly, we will place him in some humorous surroundings. After all, he was not very nice. Anyway, now you will be getting married. It all worked out.”

I turn my bracelet around my wrist. “It really did.”

Zaroc comes striding towards us. “All the Bululg prisoners are safely locked up in the cellar. The dead ones have been buried, I hear. And my ship is totally crushed to splinters, which may be a huge problem. I would much have preferred to get off this planet as soon as possible. IruBex’s friends are sure to be here soon, as well as more Bululg.”

The abbot nods solemnly. “It’s gratifying that our tower crushed your ship. It was very solidly built, then. Yes, I see your dilemma. You’d prefer to leave, and yet you can’t. Except I may be able to help there, too.”

“Did the Bululg leave any craft behind? I ask. “Or maybe IruBex did?”

“No craft have been found,” Zaroc says. “We think their crews took off and left the moment the tower fell. So they may be waiting for us up there. And they may attack again, down here.”

“Indeed,” the abbot agrees. “But like I said, I can probably help. Come with me.”

- - -

We follow him to the edge of the major clearing, where the abbot pulls a fabric covering off something I had always assumed was a huge pile of garbage.

It is, in fact, a spaceship. But it looks old, even to me. And I’m easily impressed by alien tech. It’s square and uneven and beat up. It’s small, too. Only about the size of a van.

I squint. Are parts of it made of wood?

“An alien of sorts came in this, many years ago,” the abbot says. “He wanted us to teach him our combat methods. We did. Then, while helping us add another floor to the tower, he tripped and fell to his death. We had no forcefields for safety back then. Anyway, his ship is still here, and we’re not going to use it. I think our deceased friend wouldn’t mind if I lent it to you. Indefinitely.”

Zarcon walks around it, which takes no time at all. “It has no weapons. In combat, it would fall apart if the enemy so much as breathed at it. A deathtrap in ever way.”

“Yes,” the abbot beams. “It’s almost entirely useless. But we think it still flies, and it appears to have a hyperdrive. You can make your escape before anything at all happens— oh, is that the bell? First Breakfast already? Well, I must be off. Thank you both very much for everything. The attack and demolishing our tower and… oh, all of it. Copyright 2016 - 2024