Alien Freak - Calista Skye Page 0,79

there never will be.

I really hope he’s safe.

Getting comfortable, I close my eyes.

It’s exactly midnight when the attack starts.


- Zaroc -

It’s a neutron star, spinning wildly and spewing huge amounts of mass and light out along its polar axes. It’s an absolutely unhinged display of extreme destructive power.

I can think of no better place for this.

“Does this suit you, Grandmother?” I hold the casing up to the windshield.

“Oooh, I love it! That’s a beautiful thing. So alive. So crazy! Perfect.”


I bring her down to Engineering and make the preparations.

“There are many things I wanted to say to you,” I begin, but my voice won’t carry, and I have to take a moment. “You kept me company in the dark times, and you helped me along. You know all that. I will just sum it up in this: thank you, Grandmother. I love you.”

“I love you, too, grandson. I loved all my grandchildren when I was alive. But you’re the only one I know this well. And knowing you is a privilege. I think you are the greatest man our house has produced.”

I hesitate. “Will this be like dying a second time?”

“Nobody dies twice,” Grandmother chuckles. “Remember that I am not really here. I died in that constrictor net. You’re talking to a ghost.”

“And you are fine with this? Really?”

“Grandson. My dear and beloved Crown Prince Zaroc. I have wanted nothing more than this since I saw myself being murdered, seven years ago. You’re on the right track, at last. I’m thrilled that you finally realize you don’t need me.”

“I did need you,” I object. “Before.”

“And now you don’t. I love that, Zaroc, it makes everything worth it. Now, is this a conference or a funeral?”

I force a smile. “You were always a practical one. Yes, I agree. No more talk. Just goodbye.”

“Goodbye,” the computer chirps, and the green light does an intricate little flashing pattern that I recognize as being joyful.

I open the breech of the disposal gun that’s intended for ejecting hazardous materials from the ship as fast as possible, gently put the casing in it, and close the gun.

Checking the aim, I make sure it will hit right in the middle.

I press the red button, the gun recoils hard, and then Grandmother is hurtling through space at two hundred thousand paces per heartbeat.

I tear myself away and get to the control room. I have places to go, things to do.

A grin spreads on my face. That neutron star won’t know what hit it.


- Averie -

I bounce out of bed at the sound of the first shot, my heart rate exploding and my limbs shaking as I peer out the window, cell phone in hand.

The attackers use real weapons, of course. Ray guns that make ugly ripping noises and light up the night in electric blue streaks, plasma guns that create green lightning bolts, and just ordinary guns that go bang.

It’s not clear to me what the monks can do against this. There are moving and flashing lights in the sky, probably enemy spaceships. If they start shooting, they might bring down the whole tower.

But I don’t think they will. I think they want me. And I think they want me alive.

I groan. The only right thing to do is to give myself up and save the monks from being massacred by this totally overwhelming force.

“Averie?” the abbot calls from outside my door. “May I come in?”

I open the door. He’s not even flustered, so his cell is probably on this floor, too.

“I see the rumors were true,” I greet him.

“Yes,” he confirms. “You noticed the activity downstairs? Indeed, it appears we are under attack. Our enemies have been identified as Bululg aliens. Are they the ones you know from before?”

“They are. Now I will give myself up so they will leave you alone. Sorry about this. I hope nobody’s hurt.”

His eye goes big and round. “What? No, no. I can’t allow anything like that. The brothers are enjoying this greatly. It’s the first battle many of them have seen for decades! Indeed for some of them, it’s the first battle they’ve seen, ever.”

“But the Bulug are using really deadly weapons,” I protest. “Your men can’t withstand that.”

The abbot waves it away. “Oh, some loss of life is absolutely expected. The oldest brothers are elated that they may die in this way, to charge right into the very center of Holy War and expire there, wrestling with the enemy while within the War god, himself. We all dream of Copyright 2016 - 2024