Alien Freak - Calista Skye Page 0,61

from the inhabited parts. Then she blew herself up. The Hent had powerful explosives that they used to expand their caves, and it was easy to find. She cheated the hunter of the points he would score by killing her. Well, her plan worked. I got a head start. I’ve been running for seven years since then. My head start has shrunk to nothing. And Averie, I have to say I’m getting a little bit tired.”

I take a moment to collect myself and wipe the tears. Then I raise myself up to look him straight in the face. “Anyone would be. But Zaroc, you will make it. We’ll make it. Together.”

He gives me a shadow of a smile. “Of course. Averie. I took you away from your home, and I fear that it’s now impossible for you to return.”

“You did,” I agree. “But my home planet is a prison. Here in space, the Bululg and I are on equal terms. They’re not all-powerful here. It gives me room to breathe, it gives me a little bit of daylight. And I will do as the Elder suggested. I will resist. On Earth, I didn’t have a chance to do that.”

“You are so soft on the outside,” Zaroc marvels. “But your fighting spirit is as tough as any warrior.”

I kiss his lips and lie down again, my head on his chest, looking up at the dark moon Verv.

I have no idea how any one of us will survive. But being optimistic has actually helped me a lot lately, and I’m determined that we both will. As it turns out, we have friends in powerful places.


- Zaroc -

I stretch and yawn, for a change not waking up with an unpleasant jolt when I remember I’m on the run. It’s the best I’ve slept in many years. Right here, in a Star Marshal ship, is one of the few places in the galaxy the Gurandu can’t get to me. I’m genuinely impressed by the technology of this ship – it looks like a real powerful battlecruiser, and it shoots like one, too. We’re safe here, Averie and I. For a little while, at least.

I support my head with my hand and look at her, sleeping peacefully, one arm above her head. Her features are so fine, and although her skin is the wrong color, there’s a real beauty to her. On the inside as well. I’ve never told anyone the whole tale of my life, but she listened patiently and even showed me the great honor of grieving with me.

I want to stroke her hair or face, but that could disturb her sleep.

She’s remarkable. ‘We’ll make it,’ she said. Even though it seems impossible. And yet she almost made me believe it. It’s a strong thing to say. But then, she has considerable strength to her. She’s not the type to give up. It’s unusual in a female, that determination.

Could it be true? Is she right?

She can’t see the future, of course.

But maybe she can sense it? She was so certain!

The real Lady Dawn of the Lancefer might know the future. At least, she might know my fate.

Averie moves her arm and starts snoring softly.

Could it be? Is Averie the Dawn?

Strange things happen around her. Even the Elders seem to come to life when she’s near. That’s extremely improbably in an ordinary female, but only to be expected from the Dawn.

With the Dawn by my side, of course I could survive. Indeed, I would be fated to, and to rebuild the society of Lancef with her.

I don’t know how. But with Averie, it somehow seems possible.

Shall I dare have hope? I haven’t had any for many years now. I knew the hunt would end with my death. Now, that certainty is a lot more fuzzy.


- Averie -

The next day the Star Marshals tell us that the ship has been repaired.

“Capital,” Zaroc says in his most princely way. “We shall always remember the hospitality of the Star Marshals, and we will mention it to the Elder Verv. Um, next time we see him. Now, we wonder, do you have the facilities to somewhat adjust Lady Averie’s device?”

I watch as they quickly jailbreak my phone and turn off the more annoying features that the giant tech companies in the service of the Bululg have forced on every person on Earth.

A medic takes about two minutes to remove the chip from my arm, I thank them as regally as I can, and then we’re ready to go.

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