Alien Freak - Calista Skye Page 0,57

easily lifts me up into the air, then easily deposits me on his shoulders, like he was carrying me before, inside Verv. “Because I found something interesting.”

He carries me into the bathroom.

“Oh,” I exclaim. “That is a little more than interesting. And it’s full of water already.”

It’s a pool, as circular as the bed and the room itself. It’s set into the floor and lined with polished black stone.

“The water is extremely clean,” Zaroc says, and his tongue shoots out. “I smell nothing on it at all.

A bath would actually be really nice right now. “Is it warm?”

“No. But I think that can be remedied.” He puts me down and fiddles with a panel on the wall, and after a second the water in the pool starts boiling, plumes of steam rising. “Hmm. Perhaps a little cooler. How’s that? Should be about the same as your own heat.”

I squat and test it with my finger. “I can’t even feel it. Maybe slightly warmer? Yes, like that. Perfect. That’s fast!”

“Why don’t you shed your suit and get in?”

I don’t hesitate. Being naked in front of him feels both sexy and right, for some reason. I think he likes what he’s seen so far, anyway.

Dropping the jumpsuit to the floor and transferring the cell phone holder to my bare arm, I slide out of my panties and step into the pool, making sure Zaroc gets a good look at my butt. He hasn’t really seen it bare before.

All around the edge there are steps going into the water, and before long I’m sitting on the bottom with my shoulders above the surface. The water is the perfect temperature, and a lot of stress and tension is evaporating. “You know, I think I would like being an Elder if this is the kind of treatment they get. Don’t you want a bath, Your Highness?”

Zaroc grins, revealing bright white teeth. I guess his fangs are hidden most of the time.

“I shall, Lady Averie,” he says in his snootiest voice, then drops his pants to reveal a glorious, Y-shaped hard-on.

The sight adds to the already considerable heat down below. “Come on in, all three of you,” I say, doing my best impression of a snobby duchess.

Zaroc doesn’t use the steps – he just jumps in, splashing me down and making me squeal.

“Oh, did I make you wet, Lady Averie? Perhaps this will help.” With his hands, he makes another giant wave that washes over my head and splashes all over the floor in the bathroom.

I wipe wet hair out of my face. “Yes, that helps. Exactly what I needed. I’m much wetter now. Thank you so much, your princeness. Oh, allow me…”

I splash his face, but it’s not too effective. It’s a big pool.

Zaroc comes closer and sits down next to me, so close our hips are touching. “May I, Lady Averie? This pool is so crowded, one must squeeze together.” His snootiness is better than mine.

“One must,” I agree, exhilarated now that my worry about being given to the Bululg is disappearing fast. “Your Highness, is everything okay with that?” I point at the two red prongs of hardness that are poking an inch out of the water. “Should I alert the servants, that they may fetch a medic?”


- Averie -

Zaroc feigns surprise. “Oh, I hadn’t noticed. I fear your presence is to blame, Mylady. Especially your sweet behind.”

“It is rather sweet, isn’t it?” I reply in kind. “But this thing also has some charm.” I grab his cock right under the split, then add another hand to encircle it. It pulsates hard in my hands, and I swear it grows another inch in length.

“Ah… yes, I suppose so,” Zaroc sighs in the most world-weary manner. “But you know how it is, Lady. One learns to live with it.”

“Indeed.” It’s too tempting. I bend my neck down to take one of the fire engine red cocks into my mouth, softly letting my tongue swirl around it. I haven’t done this a lot in my life, but now I kind of wish I had more practice.

“Oh, Lady Averie,” Zaroc exclaims. “How noble of you.”

I switch to the other cockhead, just swirling and keeping my teeth away from his silky hardness. This might be turning him on, but it’s doing the same to me. It surprises me. That’s never been a turn-on before. Maybe I just haven’t known the right kind of guy.

I give the cock a last kiss and lean back again. “It’s just how Copyright 2016 - 2024