Alien Freak - Calista Skye Page 0,52


I take his big hand. “We’ll get out of this. Even if we have to use the most powerful weapons we have.”

Several Star Marshals come up behind me. “The Superintendent and the Senior Justice will see you both now.”

“That sounds official,” I say, locking eyes with Zaroc. “Let’s keep our spirits up. We have done nothing wrong.”

He gives me a cocky smirk. “Speak for yourself.”


- Zaroc -

It’s the nicest courtroom I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a few.

There are couches, low tables, fine rugs, and artworks on the wall. Overhead is a large transparent ceiling with the moon Verv hanging seemingly right outside.

This is the velvet glove. And why not? They can be outwardly nice if they back it up with real force. And the steel hand is also visible – there are many Star Marshals standing around, holding their weapons and staring at me through their visors. They’re taking no chances.

Averie and I are sat down in comfortable chairs, me in metal chains.

In front of us is a couch with three of the aliens. One is probably the Superintendent, one seems to be a clerk, and the one in the middle looks so much like a judge that he can be nothing else. Or possibly it is a she – I notice some subtle differences, but determining the genders of alien species is remarkably hard.

“We are to decide what shall be done with the two of you,” the judge begins without wasting any time. Even the voice is different from the others, so I do think this is a female.

“This is not a court of law to find you guilty or innocent. This is a short hearing to find out if any of you are to be delivered to those parties seeking your arrest. We know you are Averie Dashey of Bululg Protectorate Earth and Crown Prince Zaroc of Lancefer. These facts are not up for discussion. Superintendent, state the other facts.”

“Certainly,” the uniformed Star Marshal says. “Your Honor, these apprehended sentients were found above the moon Verv. Our sensors detected a tracking signal matching that of a galaxy-wide Wanted-notice sent by the Bululg for Averie Dashey. We fired warning shots.”

“Did any of those shots hit their ship?”

“Yes, Your Honor. One shot stroked along the hull of their ship, scorching it and burning away a sensor array and a major structural component. It was an accident. The ship is now not spaceworthy.”

I nod wisely. I actually had no idea that they’d hit us or that they did such serious damage to the ship that it can’t be used anymore.

“Aboard the ship we found Averie Dashey, wearing her tracking device and a ray gun of the make Krutt, as well as Prince Zaroc, who is wanted by the Gurandu. It is unknown for which alleged crimes he is wanted.”

“They just want to kill me,” I calmly state. “I have committed no crime. Just ask them.”

“You will have time to speak, Your Highness,” the judge says. “For now, we will get the Star Marshal’s side of this. Go on, Superintendent.”

“On board the ship were also found several weapons, some not functional. There were also a gun of Elder manufacture and six Elder devices. Verv is an Elder moon, Your Honor.”

“Are any of those things tied to crimes?” the judge asks.

“They are not,” the Superintendent replies. “Owning these items is also not prohibited. However, Prince Zaroc became violent when asked to follow us. We had to subdue him. Averie Dashey did not resist, and immediately let go of her weapon when asked to.”

“Has His Highness been in any kind of contact with Star Marshals before?” the judge wants to know.

“He has not, Your Honor. He may not be familiar with us or our authority. We are thus suggesting that we disregard his moment of… hmm... confusion.”

The judge nods. “We are left with the Gurandu wanting His Highness for an unknown crime and Averie Dashey being wanted by the Bululg as being a stolen piece of property. Is that the extent of the Star Marshal cases?”

“It is, Your Honor. Though we reason that where a piece of property is stolen, there must also be a thief who stole it. We assume that Prince Zaroc is that thief, but he is not wanted by the Bululg, and they have not asked us to assist in the investigation. Averie Dashey claims to not have been stolen, but to have left the planet willingly.”

The judge leans forward. “The Gurandu have given no reason why they want Copyright 2016 - 2024