Alien Freak - Calista Skye Page 0,5

and tosses me lightly over his shoulder. He walks calmly out the door, which I could swear I’d locked very securely, down the dark corridor with the green Exit sign at the end, and out into the cool night air.

Yeah, he’s not a good guy at all.

“Help!” I scream into his round, flexing buttocks. “I’m being abducted!”

Nothing happens, except I can hear someone quickly locking their door from the inside. Nobody will be helping me.

“Heeeelp!” Hanging down his back, securely rolled up in my own blanket, I can’t see where he’s taking me. He walks with long, powerful steps, totally unaffected by my weight.

The ground changes from grass to metal, the light turns from pre-dawn gray to otherworldly blue, and the air goes even colder.

There’s a soft ssshwuppp behind me, as from an airtight hatch being sucked closed.

I don’t need to be a genius to realize what this is. It’s an alien spaceship.

I’m being abducted.


- Zaroc -

I place her in the cage in the main hold and turn the temperature up a little. Her species seems to like it warmer, and that suits me fine.

I pull the sheet of thick fabric off her through the bars, leaving her almost completely bare. Only her chest and midsection are somewhat covered by flimsy material that does more to entice than total nakedness would.

She’s attractive enough. Small and healthy. That roundness is extraordinary. Her eyes are dark and moist in the most exotic way when she stares at me.

My tongue shoots out all by itself, sampling the air and telling me what I can smell even without that extra sensitivity: she’s afraid.

Very afraid. So afraid it makes me heady and my fangs stick halfway out of their sheaths, trembling with eagerness and dripping with venom that tastes sour in my mouth. A similar thing is happening in my pants, where something big has come pleasantly alive.

That’s more interesting. This prey is not for killing, but for savoring.

She says something with a small, trembling voice.

Oh my. She even sounds sweet and feminine.

“What are you doing with me?” says the little translation device strapped to her arm.

Hmm. So the Bululg allow this species to know Interspeech. The reason is clear: they are to be slaves, and slaves who don’t understand commands are of little use. Breeding stock, too, should know what is being said to them.

“I will do with you whatever I want,” I reply truthfully.

Breeding stock… and this one would obviously make a perfect breeder for me.

The thought shocks me, and the fangs retract all by themselves.

Certainly, I wanted to steal an Earth female from the Bululg and sell her, giving me funds to survive another few months on the run. But now that I have her in my power, I see why the Bululg sell them for those crazy amounts.

Would it be possible? Can I breed her and so make her the mother of my descendants?

I am the last of my species. But I had decided to push any thought of restarting my species ahead of me, to tackle it when I was no longer so ferociously hunted.

And yet...

“Should I breed her, Grandmother?”

“There’s a female? Let me see her.”

I take Grandmother out of my pocket and hold her up. “This one. See how round she is!”

“Round and alien,” she ponders. “You know that not all unions can be successful.”

“Of course. But these females are famous for being good breeders. And where nature doesn’t do the work by itself, there are ways to help it along.”

“Does she speak? Is she an imbecile? Is she young enough to be bred? Is she one of those species that likes to eat their young? How strong is her venom? There are so many things we don’t know. And I don’t need to tell you that breeding with her would dilute our proud species. Show me her rear.”

I move Grandmother around so she can look at the caught female from all angles. “There is no choice, either way. There’s only me left, and I can’t breed with myself. She’s young enough. Prime age, I would judge. And she does speak. I just heard it. She might be an imbecile. I haven’t checked.”

Grandmother sighs. “She is quite stunning, I can see that. Just make sure that if you do this, Zaroc, you’re not making the decision with that ridiculous thing in your pants. That’s how disasters happen with males. Also, make sure I’m not around. My own grandson impregnating an alien is not something I want to witness.”

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