Alien Beast's Warrior Bride - Juno Wells Page 0,59

you, sitting over there in your web spinning tales to scare your soon to be mate.”

When his eyes lift to mine, they are filled with merriment. It makes his strong Draconian features seem almost adorable. “Forgive me, my queen. As you well know, rough warriors run short on manners.”

“I’m a warrior and I’m not lacking in social graces, Mr. Likes To Have Fun All The Time.”

Gesturing towards me with his pinchers, he murmurs, “You just called your intended a bug.”

“Well, you got me there. I guess we’re both mannerless barbarians of sorts. We’d best stick together and leave normal folks alone, don’t you think?”

“I find the idea of sticking to you compelling. Let us discuss human mating rituals now. Do humans stick together when mating?”

This man is way too smooth for his own good. I suppose I walked right into that one. Washing down the meat with a drink of wine, I mull his question over. “I wouldn’t say we stick together, necessarily. How about Draconians? Any sticking going on there?”

Swallowing the gigantic piece of meat he just finished chewing, Borak looks me over. “You look exceptionally nice this evening.”

I shoot him a withering glare. “Don’t try to distract me with compliments. Is there or is there not sticking when Draconians mate?”

“No. There is staking, but not much sticking.”

“You’re joking?” Staking sounds like tying a partner up. Liquid heat rolls through my body at the thought of being tied up and helpless against Borak’s sensual assault. I squeeze my thighs together and clamp down on my arousal, because old blood warriors can smell a woman’s arousal from fifty paces. Something in my expression must give it away, because Borak’s eyes light up.

He rumbles, a dark and dangerous sound rolling out from deep in his throat. “I see that idea appeals to you. Draconian history is broken into two time periods, ancient times and before times. Ancient times refers to the period before the parasites infected our queens. In ancient times, queens were plentiful. Though they sometimes claimed more than one warrior, most males ended up with a female and breeding rights.”

“I can guess what the before time refers to. It’s the time period when the parasites ruled your people, right before you came to this sector of space.”

“You are correct. Our warriors have no wish to remember the before times, for it was filled with pain and misery the likes of which most humans cannot imagine.” Stopping to take another drink of his wine, he takes several long drinks before continuing. “We strive to return to the ancient traditions of our people before they are lost forever.”

I take another stab in the dark. “And staking is part of the ancient ways?”

His head dips slightly. “Not many remember our ancient mating rituals, but one ritual speaks to our inner dragon like no other. It is said that our ancient queens had a pleasure spot in the front of the sheath that sent them spiraling into endless orgasms if the male positioned himself correctly.”

I sit my pinchers down before they fall from my hands. Though I’m shocked at what passes for dinner conversation with this proud warrior, I have to admit that I’m all ears right now. His information is especially interesting because a human woman’s G-spot is located in the same general vicinity as he’s describing for Draconian females.

“In ancient times we placed a stake high on the wall that our females held onto while the warrior stood in front. This position for sex was the most pleasing for the female, which in turn ensured maximum pleasure for the male.”

I can see in my mind’s eye how the added pressure in that particular area could be extremely pleasurable. Now I’m imagining looking down my naked body to see Borak pounding into me. It’s depraved and wrong, but I’m drawn to the idea like a moth to the flame. There is no dialing back the sexual arousal flowing through my body right now. Borak’s nostrils flare and his eyes darken with lust. This man knows all my dirty secrets, and I don’t have to say a word.

Reaching out to pick up one of my wrists, he closes his thumb and forefinger around it with lots of room to spare. “I do not believe a human queen has the strength to hold onto the stake during a sexual encounter with a Draconian male, not even a strong and capable one such as yourself. She would have to be secured for safety.”

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