Alien Beast's Warrior Bride - Juno Wells Page 0,56

keep him if I want.

The male chuffs out a growly laugh. “Did I not say the same thing just moments ago? I am also battle tested, the only one of my unit to survive a glorious battle against the most fearsome warriors in the ’verse.” Yeah, I suppose he did. Draconian warriors do take their fighting seriously. Since I can’t imagine subjecting him to a lifetime of being called an abomination, I bend down and give him a scratch behind his ear. His gaze turns adoring.

Borak comes up beside me. “If you would like prowling around in the mountains and hunting with the males of our family, we would be honored to have a warrior such as you join our clade.”

I chime in, “It sounds really nice. I think you’d be happy there.” I can’t believe we just offered to keep a vicious alien that annoys the crap out of me. Unfortunately, the ’verse has too little justice. I see this as an opportunity to do some good. After everything Lugon has been through, he deserves someplace safe to live.

Borak senses it as well. Hell, maybe he even identifies with this male who is seen as an outcast by his kind because of genetics. Borak’s hands tighten around my waist, and I realize the Sonarian made room for him to stand with me. Something about that really gets to me, and I have to force the tears back.

Instead of offering the fruit to their queen like I had planned, I thump the entire basket down in front of our newest clade member. “Have at it, my new friend. It’s all for you.”

Trovena sighs. “Foolish humon, you only have to give one piece of fruit to solidify your claim. You waste precious resources.”

Reaching down, I rub the top of his head. “It’s not a waste if he enjoys it.” I watch several others creep forward, but I’m seriously not interested in taking on more of them, so I shoo them away. This makes Lugon snigger again.

The reality of my situation sits in. Where in the world are we going to keep this huge creature? He seems obsessed with me, but my room is on the small side. I guess we’ll have to sort that out sooner rather than later. When Borak’s arms slip all the way around my body, I lean back against him. We did a good thing here, so we’ll just have to figure out the rest as we go.

Dinner Under The Stars


So, Borak and I end up in a shared custody arrangement with Lugon. He spends part of his time with me and part with the other women in Borak’s clade. Unlike me, they’ve never seen him in battle mode with his fangs and claws ripping through flesh. All they see is a gigantic cat with soft purple and green fur and adoring eyes. Lugon seems to love all the attention he’s getting as well. He’s appointed himself the protector of the Clade of Borak. Thankfully, he’s with Penelope right now, swimming in a fake lagoon the Draconians set up for the queens to use. They were both splashing around, having a ball after I dropped him off a few minutes ago.

It’s been two weeks since the rest of the Sonarians left. Not only has Lugon settled in, but we’re all three starting to feel more relaxed about our roles. I’m finally starting to feel like I can fit into the civilian world and make a new life for myself.

My new love interest and I are growing closer by the day. I don’t know what it is about that gruff warrior, but when we’re together, I just can’t seem to keep my hands off him. Our make out sessions are insanely addictive. Borak soaks up all the affection I toss his way like a huge love sponge. He’s starved for female attention, and it just about breaks my heart.

I’ve read about their old Draconian queens in the database and talked with several of the other women. I can now see why he’s so eager for affection. Truth be told, we’ve both gone without in that area. It’s looking like our dry spells are coming to an end.

When my door chimes, I assume it’s Borak. He’d be early for our date and I’m not ready, but I’d let him in without a second thought. However when I go to open the door, there is a huge flying drone moving back and forth. I’ve seen these machines delivering packages before, Copyright 2016 - 2024