Alien Beast's Warrior Bride - Juno Wells Page 0,47

so we shouldn’t date like youngsters to feeling flattered and excited about being treated like a lady by this gruff warrior. It occurs to me that it’s been so long since I thought of myself as anything but a soldier that I hardly know how to act.

My mind drifts back to the day he slapped a food bar to my chest and demanded I eat because he heard my stomach growling. Today’s he’s inviting me to dine with him like a real gentleman. This must be Borak trying to court me. I’d be a fool to put stumbling blocks between me and the man I want to mate. I’ve been too distracted in the past, so now’s the time to jump. I message him back right away.

I’d love to eat with you. How about we meet there in ten microns?

Ten microns is thirty minutes. That’s long enough for me to grab a shower and find something casual to wear. I roll off the bed and hit the shower as I think this situation over. Compared to all the chronic action when we were on Earth, this more relaxed pace is a welcome change. Still, some small part of my mind is waiting for the klaxons to sound and the fighting to start again. I guess that’s all part of acclimating to civilian life. At my age, I couldn’t have continued that pace for much longer anyway.

I pull on a pair of canvas pants and a button up white shirt. Thankfully Chantel and I hung onto our worldly possessions, so I have a complete wardrobe with me to choose from. Sliding my feet into a comfortable pair of loafers, I pull my hair into a tight knot at the back of my neck. My cosmetic routine is minimal, but I do add some blush and lipstick to brighten my face a little. It’s been years since I wore civilian clothes and longer since I made myself up. I dust a smidgen of gold color along my eyelids and call it good enough.

When I breeze into the dining hall a short time later, Borak waves me over to a small table in the corner. His eyes crawl over me, taking in every detail. “Greetings, Queen Juliet. You look lovely this morning.”

I smile at him, noticing that he’s got the table all fixed up with a variety of food and sim-caffeine drinks. I slide into the seat across from him. “Thank you. Good morning to you as well. Everything looks so nice.”

“I’m glad you find my offering acceptable.”

I grin at him, though I’ve got to admit sometimes he can come up with a strange turn of a phrase. “How are you feeling today?”

He does that little chest thumping thing I’ve seen him do before. “I am better than ever, strong and capable.”

I redirect the conversation before he can get all worked up about me thinking he’s off his game physically. “Well, I’m starving, so let’s get started.”

He immediately pours me a sim-caffeine from a thermos that looks like it could have come from any restaurant on Earth. “I have prepared for your enjoyment some traditional human foods that are typically eaten in the early hours of the day.”

To Draconians, food is food. They don’t have different things they consume at different times of the day. Humans love breakfast oriented foods. When he lifts the cover off our food, I see he’s right. “I don’t think I’ve seen bacon and eggs in almost a year.” He also has something that looks almost like pancakes except they’re candy apple red.

“My clade interacted with alien traders, fresh from Earth’s best markets. They assured us the merchandise they offered was the food most likely to please a queen. We bought a cubic case with small cryogenically frozen portions. Each comes with very specific directions to make preparation manageable even by one such as me.”

My mouth falls open upon hearing that last bit of information. “You actually cooked this food yourself?”

He preens a bit in his seat. “It could hardly be considered a proper courting gift if I left the preparation to others.” He makes little a waving gesture with one hand, clearly excited for me to taste this food he worked so hard to prepare for us.

I go for the bacon first, because it is bacon, after all. It’s that perfect texture between soft and crunchy where the flavor is just mouthwatering. A little moan escapes as I swallow. “This is the best bacon I’ve ever had. Copyright 2016 - 2024