The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,95

like nails on a chalkboard. Her artistic movements were jagged and geometrical, instead of flowing like mine. She was good, though— very good. I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t. She landed every jump with ease, and my stomach knotted as my mind counted up points, her score going higher and higher.

Then she faltered while going into her triple axel. She twisted in the air and fell out of the jump, landing on her side.

Goosebumps rose on my back of my neck. Gabby had made a major mistake!

Gabby finished her program so violently, her toe pick went into the ice and sent snow flying everywhere. The crowd had given her a standing ovation, as they had me, but hers was louder. Gabby panted as she and Magdalina headed to the kiss-and-cry. I felt like praying as I hung on to each second, waiting for the moment her score would pop on screen.

Finally, it happened; 161.60. Even though Gabby had fallen, the judges still gave her a higher score than me, and put her in first place.

Hey, Malovian politics still affected everything. I hardly felt disappointed. I was just glad I had a shot at attending the European Championships. Which is why when the judges brought us on the ice to receive our medals, I was still grinning from ear to ear.

Gabby scowled, even when they put the gold around her neck. She waved to the crowd more out of obligation than actual joy.

“You know, you could at least act like you earned that medal, instead of behaving like you’re obligated to it,” I hissed through my smile as we waved to the crowd.

“You got lucky, Sosna. Don’t count on winning the next competition, either,” Gabby spat.

She was just pissed I’d proven to be a real threat. No one else in our competition had come close to putting scores like ours up on the board. As always, Gabby had to be the best.

But I was right on her tail. And at the European Championships, I was coming for her.

My friends were waiting for me out in the lobby. Delmare, Kiara, and Odette piled against me. “Bitch, that was amazing!” Delmare cried. “You are a badass on the ice.”

“Yeah!” Odette said, before she stuck out her lip. “You should’ve won, though. You stayed on your skates, and Gabby fell right on her butt!”

“I mean, the judges would have egg on their face if they didn’t let the queen of Malovia win, but the judges at the European Championships won’t be so biased,” Kiara pointed out. “Emma has a better chance to win there.”

“How could she not win? Emma, your layback spin is sooooo pretty!” Odette squealed.

A rustling from behind caught my attention. Ethan was there— he was holding a bouquet of white roses, which he handed to me. “Congratulations, onawilke. You skated beautifully.”

Tears rose up in my eyes, and I had to choke them back. “Ethan… I don’t know what to say.”

His look was teasing. “A Time for Us, hm?”

“Yes.” I held the flowers close. “One of my favorites.”

“I do recall that being our song.”

“It... was.”

And just like that, the magical moment between us was broken. Ethan flinched, and the movement drove a dagger into my feelings. He glanced away, unable to keep his gaze connected with mine. I couldn’t look at him, either.

Maybe Ethan and I truly were Romeo and Juliet. Our story was destined to end in tragedy, too.

“Hey, lass!” Finlay’s bright voice shattered my thoughts. Finlay had brought me flowers, too… a bunch of yellow roses. Now I had bouquets from two guys. Awkward.

“Thanks, Fin,” I said as I took the bunch from him. I balanced the two bouquets in my arms clumsily and said, “Do you think I did okay?”

“Okay? You were amazing!” Finlay said, giving me a squeeze. Finlay raised his fist to gain the attention of those in the lobby. “I know just the thing to celebrate. Party in the Rec Room!”

Apparently, Finlay had set this up beforehand, because the party was already in full swing by the time we got there. Champagne bottles were placed by a long table at the head of the room, and confetti flew through the air. It was more refined than Ethan’s hockey party last semester, but people were getting just as drunk. My friends immediately began milling around the snacks table. Ethan vanished into his dorm and didn’t come out.

Poor guy. I wish he could be well enough to enjoy the party, if even for a little bit.

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