The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,87

was a bad one now, as far as Ethan was concerned.

Long moments passed before his raspy voice finally managed to speak. “Emma, I’ve been thinking…” Ethan shifted forward.

“That’s never a good idea.”

My snark wasn’t appreciated. Ethan ignored it. “We have to accept what is. We can’t exorcise the leshane. Which means we need to do some damage control, before the inevitable happens.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Why did every conversation with Ethan have to be so heavy?

Oh, right. Because he was dying, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Ethan sighed. “Onawilke… you have to break our bond.”

“What?” I started upright in my chair, and my heartbeat died in my chest. This couldn’t be real. I thought I felt pain when we’d broken up, but for him to suggest this was just… cruel. To separate him and I, forever? What kind of a plan was that?

“The leshane needs a host to pull from. He gets his magic by drawing it from other things,” Ethan began. “Why do you think he’s so strong now? All the magic of all the fae he’s ever killed and possessed runs through his veins. What’s going to happen if he gets ahold of yours?”

“He won’t,” I said, but the protest sounded weak.

“The choice is obvious. If you break our bond, the leshane will lose interest. It’ll be easier for him to kill you and harness your magic if you’re still connected to me,” Ethan said. “But if you break our bond, he won’t be able to touch you. You’re the Worldweaver. You’re stronger than he is, even if you haven’t mastered your powers yet. As such he can’t take your powers… not unless he has an in. That’s me.”

“We can think of another plan,” I protested.

“We don’t have time. This is about protecting Malovia. If the leshane gets his hands on the kind of magic you have, he’ll be unstoppable. Then the stones won’t be reunited, and the fae are doomed. This is the right choice. You have to end it, Emma. I don’t have the strength.”

I stood abruptly. “I’m tired of you telling me what to do, Ethan Nowak. If I choose to break our bond, that’ll be my decision. Not yours.”

I walked off. I was so angry at him I felt ready to burst. Did we really stand that little of a chance? I couldn’t believe he was giving up so easily.

My anger burned so brightly, I nearly saw red. We weren’t together— I shouldn’t have been this pissed off.

And yet I was. I searched for the answer. Maybe I was so enraged because I knew this was the only option we had left. For me to survive, we had to leave each other, forever.

I caught Kiara studying in an alcove on the first level. I stopped and grabbed her shoulder. “Kiara, do you have a solution yet?”

She knew I was walking about Ethan. Her expression sorrowed as she said, “I’m sorry. My contact hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I’m still waiting.”

“We can’t wait,” I pleaded. Tears sprang to my eyes. They longed to boil over, but I refused to break down in the middle of the school. I wouldn’t.

“I’m moving as fast as I can. What I’m trying to set up, it’s risky, and—”

“Ethan doesn’t have much longer. I can’t let him go.” My voice was so choked, every word felt like a knife cutting my throat.

“You need to be prepared for the worst. Just in case,” Kiara said. Her tone was gentle, but the sentence itself drew quick, like a blade. She’d never said anything so hurtful.

I drew back and sniffed. “I have to go.” I ran down the hallway, and took the nearest exit into the falling snow.

It wasn’t cold enough for it to stick, but still, the sharp snowflakes cut against my cheeks. I’d forgotten my coat. I just needed to get away from everyone. Yet wherever I turned, all I saw was Ethan. All I felt was the terrible notion that no matter what I did, I’d always end up losing him.

“Emma!” There was a harsh voice against the chill. I felt a heavy wool coat press against my shoulders as Finlay said, “What are you doing out here without a coat? You’re going to catch a cold.”

I immediately berated myself. Good job, Emma, running into a snowstorm in a skirt and a sweater when you’re immunocompromised. I’d just gotten over another virus a few days ago. I didn’t need another one.

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