The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,61

for Korva’s class,” I rushed to say. “She’s being really tough on grades this semester. She wants photo documentation and everything.”

“Ah, old battleaxe Korva,” Gus said, not too fondly. “That explains it.”

I relaxed. Korva’s reputation as a huge bitch prevented Gus from asking too many questions.

“So you’re sure going to the Pool will help us with our… project?” Odette asked.

Gus gave a nod. “It’s one of the few remaining druid ruins that haven’t been demolished. Here.”

Gus rifled in a cupboard. He found a map of Malovia, then drew a line on it across a quarter of the country, circling a spot that wasn’t near any city or town. “Whatever you need will be there.”

“Thank you so much, Gus. We’re sorry we can’t stay, but it means everything!” Odette gushed. She snatched the map out of his hands and ran outside.

“It’s nothing, sweetheart,” Gus called after her. “I’ll see you soon!”

As we walked down the street, I asked, “Are you guys sure this is going to work? The Pool of Memory sounds pretty random with the knowledge it gives you.”

“Odette’s a seer, which means she’ll be able to access all the contents the Pool has to offer,” Theo said. “The dryca left it there for new druids who need information, so if Odette asks it a question about where the alicorn stone is, the Pool will have to answer— provided the dryca gave it the information we need.”

“So what are we waiting for? Let’s go,” I said impatiently.

“We can’t go there today,” Theo said. “Gus said it took a whole weekend to get there and back. We’ll have to take a day trip to get there if we hurry, and the place might be crawling with monsters. We must take everyone with us to make sure we stay safe.”

Disappointment flowed through my veins. We had to wait a few more days, until all our friends could come to the Pool with us? That felt like forever.

“We’ll get there, Emma,” Theo said. “Don’t get too discouraged.”

Hard to do that when your entire magical race was on the line. But at least we were one step closer.

Odette skipped brightly down the road. “Hey, at least it gives me some time to start packing.”

Theo screeched to a halt. “Packing? For what?”

“I have to get my stuff,” Odette said. “I’m moving into Igor’s apartment this weekend.”

Oh, shit. I didn’t know that. And apparently, Theo didn’t either. “What?” he said.

“He asked me to move in weeks ago,” Odette said. “I must’ve forgot to tell you.”

She didn’t forget. She just didn’t want Theo to know until the last minute. His hands clenched as he growled, “You could’ve mentioned it.”

“Well, it’s really none of your business.” Odette’s tone was short. I sensed an impending argument coming that had happened between them dozens of times.

“You guys aren’t mated. People are going to talk. Do you want your reputation ruined?” Theo questioned bitterly.

“I care about what makes me happy, so it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks.” Odette turned her nose in the air. “I’m certainly not asking for your opinion.”

“Well, you’re getting it,” Theo growled. “Odette, don’t do this. It’s a mistake.”

“Says who? You?” Odette yelled. “Look, Theo, you think you know everything about me, but you don’t, so you need to back out of my life and let me make my own choices!”

Several alicorns looked our way as we passed them on the street. I blushed, wishing Odette and Theo had picked someplace more private to hold a screaming match. Without me around, I might add.

“I’ve been letting you, but you don’t care about mine!” Theo cried back. “I’ve told you that you’re my mate a million times, and you won’t listen!”

“Where’s the proof?” Odette flung her arms wide. “Where’s the feelings, the magic? You’ve never even kissed me!”

“I would if you asked,” Theo fumed.

“I don’t want to have to chase you, Theo! I want someone who’s ready to be in a relationship with me!” Odette stomped her foot. “You’re too scared of what could happen between us. You don’t want to put yourself out there and risk getting hurt. That’s why it’s never going to work.”

“You’re already hurting me by being with someone else!” he bellowed.

“Because I got tired of waiting for you!” Tears were welling in Odette’s eyes. “Gods, how much disappointment do you think I can take? At some point I have to quit waiting and go find someone who’s willing to put their heart on the line!”

“I am willing! Odette, I love you!” Theo Copyright 2016 - 2024