The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,56

to try. Ethan had declared it hopeless. But no matter what, I wasn’t giving up on him. Somewhere, this leshane had a weak point, and we were going to find it in order to save Ethan’s life.

It took a week after the exorcism for me to recover. I’d been in the bathroom on my knees, throwing up for the first three days after. I was so lightheaded I couldn’t walk straight. Performing the exorcism had sucked up all my energy, and there was none left over for fighting my illness. My muscles were in so much pain that I cried when Kiara tried to massage the knots out. My joints were so stiff I could hardly move them. I’d taken the week off ice practice— the last thing I wanted to do before the big competition, but it couldn’t be helped. I could barely walk, let alone skate.

I finally returned to school on the first day of October, after missing all of my classes several days before. Odette had said that morning she wanted to talk to me, and now that my classes were done for the day, I was heading to the Rec Room to meet up with her. I took an often-abandoned hallway as a shortcut.

I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn’t notice two people in front of me had violently broken apart as I walked by. I stopped, but only for a second as I recognized the faces.

Jasper and Ozzie were kissing. Okay, big deal. I thought they liked each other. Good for them.

But if that was the case, why did they look so terrified?

The blood had drained from Jasper’s face. He seemed petrified. “It isn’t what it looks like.”

What a weird thing to say. “Don’t be embarrassed,” I said. “I figured you two had a thing.”

Ozzie had big tears welling up in his eyes. “Please, oh please, Emma, don’t tell anyone.”

“Why would I? It’s not my business,” I said.

“Because it’s against Arcanean law,” Jasper whispered.

“What do you mean?” My voice was rife with astonishment. What was he talking about?

Realization dawned on Jasper’s face. “Emma… have you seen any same-sex couples around Dolinska?”

I paused. “Come to think of it… no.”

“That’s because it’s forbidden,” Jasper said. “It’s against the law to be in a relationship with someone of the same gender here. Sorceresses are supposed to be with shifters, that’s how it’s meant to be.”

“What’s going to happen to you if people find out?” I asked.

Ozzie looked down. From behind him, Jasper drew a finger across his throat.

My mouth dropped open. “You can’t be serious!”

“These are fae customs. It’s how we grew up,” Jasper said.

“I don’t care what kind of backwards ideas the fae have! It’s time for them to change!” I yelled.

“Ssh, keep your voice down.” Jasper looked around nervously. “Look, in Malovia, it’s a sin to be with someone of the same sex because you’re expected to reproduce, and make more fae. People think you’re abandoning your mate if you don’t hook up with someone of the opposite gender. They don’t believe it’s possible for men to bond with men, or women with women.”

“Why can’t shifters bond together? Or sorceresses?” I challenged.

“We think we’ve bonded!” Ozzie squeaked, while Jasper told him to shush. “We’re shifters, and we think it’s possible.”

“Yes, but most fae aren’t going to see it that way,” Jasper begged. “Emma, you have to keep quiet about this. Our lives are on the line.”

“I would never tell,” I said. “Do you think anyone else knows?”

“Arthur and Vara know. We’re certain Finlay has guessed,” Jasper said. “They’re good friends. They haven’t turned us in.”

The thought that you could be arrested for having a consensual adult relationship with someone you loved was sickening. All I could do to show my support was give them both hugs. I felt useless any other way. “I’m sorry you have to hide this,” I said as I embraced Ozzie. “But know that I support you. And I will keep your secret.”

“Thanks, Emmy!” Ozzie nearly danced with joy. “We knew we could count on you!”

Jasper’s shoulders slumped with relief when I held him. “Yes, thank you for keeping this quiet. I’d do anything to protect Ozzie, and—”

“You don’t have to explain how you feel. That’s only for you,” I said.

Jasper looked at Ozzie the same way Ethan looked at me. I knew exactly how he felt.

We parted, then, because we were afraid of getting caught… even though we weren’t doing anything criminal except talking about a gay relationship Copyright 2016 - 2024