The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,39

protect you.”

“Why would the cult want us?” Arthur’s voice was mystified.

“It’s because of me,” I said in a heavy voice. “I’m the Worldweaver.”

“The Worldweaver? What’s that?” Arthur blinked.

I launched into an explanation. I told Arthur that the Black Claw wanted my blood to raise Droga, and a shortened version of the prophecy the hag had spoken. I kept out the part about the Crystals of Harmony, Milonna’s visits to me, and my trip to Edinmyre with my friends. It wasn’t like I didn’t trust Arthur— I would tell him all the other stuff later.

But I didn’t trust my mom. And for some reason, Milonna’s voice inside of me told me to keep quiet about everything that wasn’t absolutely necessary for my mother to know. I’d told her much of this already when we’d been in Poland over the summer, but I’d made sure not to tell her everything.

“So the cult thought you were some kind of chosen one, and wanted to kill us both,” Arthur said with clarity, once I was finished. “Our mother had to go on the run.”

“Yes. And after that happened, I knew I couldn’t keep both of you,” Mom said. “I had to leave the country, and choose the child that was in the most danger. I knew they wanted Emma. So I tore my heart out and left my only son here in Dolinska, with his father’s parents. It was the only place I knew you’d be safe.”

“But why keep us apart all these years?” I asked. “You couldn’t have even let us meet each other?”

“If the Black Claw made the connection that Arthur was your brother, they would’ve killed him. They’ve only forgotten about his existence because your father eliminated all the cultists who knew you were twins,” Mom snapped. “He gave his life for that. I wasn’t about to compromise his sacrifice.”

“But you said my grandparents are awful,” I countered. “Why leave Arthur with them?”

Mom’s voice hardened. “He had to go somewhere. Even to a home as despicable as that place.”

“That’s not true!” For the first time, Arthur was angry. He nearly shot out of his chair. “My grandparents are great people!”

Mom’s look was cold. “I understand they’ve turned you against me. They didn’t approve of my choice to abandon you.”

“Well, no shit,” I said, with an eye roll that was probably not needed.

“I’ve had to make hard choices, Emma!” Mom was practically screaming. Her eyes watered as she said, “Do you think it was easy giving up my only son? I had to do it in order to protect you!”

Her words hurt me. It was like she was blaming me for her decision to leave Arthur out of her life… like she had to pick between Arthur and I, and she’d picked me.

I saw the truth in her eyes. She was bitter she had to leave Arthur, and she thought it was all my fault.

“Don’t blame my sister for this. This was your choice!” Arthur cried back, and my Mom reeled in pain at his accusation.

It was the first time he’d called me his sister, and such affection for Arthur rose up within me that I nearly cried. As Arthur stood, I rose with him. We had to provide a united front on this.

“Mom, I get that you wanted to keep us safe. Maybe it makes sense that we were apart for all this time, and didn’t know about each other, because we’re still alive today,” I started. “But once we came to Arcanea University, you should’ve told us the truth. We’re adults, and we deserved to know.”

Mom’s eyes burned. “You don’t deserve anything. What I had to do was brutal. Neither of you could understand that sacrifice.”

Her words pissed me off, because she was acting like she was the only one who had suffered. I’d missed out on growing up with my brother, and Arthur had missed out on having a mom. I wasn’t exactly rolling out the pity party for her.

Arthur gave an angry noise. “We don’t have to listen to this. Come on, Emma.”

Arthur grabbed my hand and pulled me out. I followed him, with only a short glance back at my mom. She had her head in her hands and was staring down at the tablecloth.

When the door slammed behind us, Arthur turned to me. His anger fell away as more tears beaded at the edges of his eyelids. “I thought when I finally met my mom, she’d welcome me with open arms. Give me a hug, or Copyright 2016 - 2024