The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,31

and peace during this time. If you need assistance, I am always here to help. Make sure to use your journal to record any messages you receive from the gods during this time.”

There was the shuffling of pages. Victor waved his hands, and the illusion of two musicians appeared in the corner of the room. The illusion began playing a soft drum and flute, to create a calming atmosphere. Most people opened their textbooks, while others immediately headed toward the wardrobe.

I flipped open my textbook to the chapter about communicating with Luka. The instructions said I needed to make an offering of a few coins— proper for a thief— and burn powered herbs, as they were readily available to even the poorest of families to obtain. It was best to try and contact him at night, as that’s when he was the most powerful, but the book assured me Luka was able to emerge at any time.

I threw a few coins in front of me and burned herbs in the incense bowl, waiting. I closed my eyes for a few moments and waited for Luka to contact me, but nothing happened. All I felt within my gut was the churning of the leshane as he scratched at my organs.

I didn’t exactly expect a voice— maybe an image, or even a feeling. I felt incredibly stupid. After ten minutes of waiting, I opened my eyes. Most people were furiously writing in their journals, or trapped in trances provided by their gods.

I felt jealous. Everyone else’s god was communicating with them. Why wasn’t mine? Was the leshane blocking my connection? Or was I the problem?

Victor noticed my frustration and swept over. “Having trouble?”

I frowned. “I can’t seem to interest Luka in talking to me. I’ve tried before, and all I get is silence.”

“He isn’t a god of many words. He prefers to work in symbols,” Victor said. “Are there any signs that have stuck out to you as of late?”

“No.” Frustration caused my wolf to growl. I was possessed. If anyone in this room needed the help of the gods, it was me. Did Luka see fit to abandon me already?

“Luka is a mysterious god. He works in the shadows,” Victor said. “Don’t be deceived if you can’t feel him as easily as the other gods. He may be wearing a mask to trick you.”

Luka sounded too much like the Phantom, and that made me bitter. Why would my god want to hide himself from me, or trick me, especially when I was working so hard to seek him out?

“Maybe I made the wrong choice.” If Luka didn’t want to communicate with me, he must be rejecting me as a servant.

“We don’t choose our gods, Ethan. The gods choose us. There is a reason you felt pulled to Luka.” Victor stroked his goatee. “Luka is already communicating with you in ways you don’t expect. You must be clever, like he is. Keep your eyes open for the messages.”

Victor walked away, to help someone else. I mulled on his words. I wasn’t exactly expecting to see a neon sign from Luka telling me what to do… but the fact that I hadn’t noticed anything was increasingly worrying. I wasn’t sure what I was doing wrong.

I struggled with contacting Luka for another hour until class was over and I was sure I had failed. I looked everywhere for signs, but nothing jumped out at me. Luka was a tricky god, and at the moment, I didn’t feel quick-witted enough to spot any symbols he might be sending my way.

Being sworn to Luka felt like playing a game. Like chess. Maybe he wanted me to stop seeking him out and try to outmaneuver him instead.

That felt very true in my gut. I took it as an indication I was heading in the right direction.

I showed up at Emma’s dorm room door later that afternoon. I hadn’t faced her since what had happened— I was so nervous that my stomach was tied up in knots. I felt like vomiting the moment she opened the door.

Paralysis struck my body when my eyes locked with hers. Gods, I was so embarrassed. It was humiliating, facing her like this.

Her eyes instantly went to the bouquet in my hands; I’d picked it up from a florist in Dolinska before coming here. “Flowers aren’t going to make up for—”

“I know.” I held them in front of me. “I just thought they’d help.” They were lilies— I wasn’t a stupid enough idiot Copyright 2016 - 2024