The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,3

masquerade. It’d sickened me to look at.

A couple of notes of surprise rang throughout the group. Emma’s eyes lit up with hope. It pained me to see, because she didn’t realize that it was truly over. There was no hope for us.

Not with the leshane in the way.

“Does that mean you’re done with it?” Alexei asked.

All eyes were on me. I cleared my throat and said, “I’m not sure.”

Hope changed to hurt, and disgust rang clear in Emma’s gaze. She said nothing.

“But you’ve been traveling, right?” Kiara asked. “Where’d you go?”

This was it. “See, the thing is…” I began. “I have been traveling, but I haven’t been looking for the crystals. I’ve been looking for help.”

“What do you mean?” Delmare raised an eyebrow, and Stefan leaned in. Emma’s face darkened, like she couldn’t understand my meaning.

I sighed. “I uh… I was possessed by the leshane that killed my father.”

Blood drained from Stefan and Delmare’s face. Both Odette and Theo took a step back, as if they were terrified. Alexei let out a choked gasp, and Kiara clutched at her throat.

I understood their reactions. I was basically confessing I had a terminal disease festering inside me, waiting to take over and claim me wholly.

It was the look on Emma’s face that hurt me the most. Her eyes watered. She surveyed me up and down, as if she could see the demon inside me, before her expression blazed in a way that signified there was a chance for us.

“A demon? Godsdammit, Ethan!” Stefan barked. “When were you going to tell us this?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty fucking crucial information,” Delmare said. Theo waved his hand, telling her to calm down.

“I didn’t know myself, until the end of the last semester,” I confessed. “The leshane came to me and threatened to take over everything. He’s been using me as a host ever since my father died. He just didn’t choose to emerge until now. He entered my body as I was losing my leg. The moment I was vulnerable.”

My voice sounded so broken. Emma’s hand twitched at her side— like she wanted to reach out to me, but didn’t.

“Why didn’t you tell us this sooner? Months have passed, Ethan!” Theo shouted.

“Finding the crystals is our top priority. This demon is a distraction,” I said. “If I had said anything sooner, everyone would’ve been trying to help me instead of searching for the stones. And finding the crystals is more important than saving my life.”

A few guilty faces passed around the group. Stefan rapped his fingers against the wooden wall and said, “So, did you get it out?”

I frowned. “No. I’ve been traveling the world all summer, looking for shamans and other supernaturals who can cast out the demon. No one has succeeded as of yet. This one has a strong hold on me.”

Alexei’s expression was contemplative. “You know, that actually makes sense,” he mused in a low voice. “Last semester, I felt so many emotions rolling off of you, and so many of them conflicted at the same time. I didn’t understand how that could be possible. Now I realize that I’m actually experiencing the feelings of two different people— yourself and the leshane.”

“What does the leshane feel now?” Emma asked.

Alexei’s face twisted. He paused before he said, “All I can feel from the leshane is death. He wants power.”

Emma paled. Kiara shifted against Alexei’s side. “I can feel it, too,” she added. “Though not as strongly as Alexei. These two parts are battling inside you, Ethan.”

“I know. It’s been truly devastating,” I said. “I still have control, for now.”

I swallowed past the large lump in my throat. “But I won’t for long.”

Alexei looked at Kiara. “Please tell me you have something for demon possession, Kiara.”

She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe… though it’s a long shot.” She frowned.

“Why don’t we just go to the high priestesses? They could probably cast out the demon,” Theo offered.

“No,” I said sharply. “I refuse.”

“Refuse? Are you insane?” Theo asked. “This is your life!”

“It’ll cause another scandal. I’ve already brought so much shame upon my royal house, upon my family… upon my mate.” My head dropped, and I chanced a small glance at Emma… who was wide-eyed with shock. “If we go to the high priestesses, it’ll be all over the tabloids by that night. My name and anyone who associates with me will be humiliated. There’s no guarantee they’ll get this thing out. Then my loved ones will be shamed and shunned even further. Only weak Arcanea allow themselves Copyright 2016 - 2024