The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,25

it was snowing… and then the vision jumped. I saw a wooden box, and I knew it contained the alicorn stone. We’re so close to finding it!”

Odette’s words made my heart beat faster. Could this be real? I didn’t know how Odette could make this up, or why.

Theo frowned. “But Odette, you couldn’t see the future unless…”

I marveled as I realized the truth. “Odette… you’re a seer.”

I didn’t know much about seers, but Ethan had told me last semester that the only Arcanea who had prophetic powers were druids… and they’d died off years ago.

But if Odette could see the future— that meant she had to be a druid, too!

Odette blinked. “What?”

“You have to be!” I insisted. “You just saw the future. The only fae who can do that are those who have dryca blood! Druid blood!”

“The druids all died out,” Delmare said. “How does that make any sense?”

“We thought the Unseelie died out, too, but Emma is one,” Theo pointed out. His voice picked up speed as he gushed, “Odette, this is marvelous!”

“If Odette is a seer, why haven’t we seen her powers before?” Stefan asked. “You’ve never had a vision until now, have you?”

Odette shook her head. “No. This was my first.”

Odette’s voice was firm. “But I’m certain it was real. I saw the future. I felt it. You couldn’t get me to deny that if you held a knife to my throat.”

“Dryca need pools of water to scry. They can’t see the future otherwise,” Theo said. “Maybe her powers triggered when she stared long enough into the courtyard pool.”

“Odette, do you remember any details from the vision?” I asked. It might give us a clue to where the alicorn stone was.

She put a hand to her head. “It’s all very blurry. I can’t recall the surroundings, or any specifics, only that we had the stone in our possession. It was winter… I think the city was decorated for Yule, so it must be sometime around Christmas. I couldn’t locate exactly where we were, but I know the stone is nearby. I’m sure of it.”

Christmas was so far away, but at least we knew now when we were going to get our hands on it… only not what we’d go through to obtain it. “Did you notice anything else?”

Odette frowned slightly. “Ethan wasn’t with us.”

That made my heart stop. Ethan wouldn’t miss something so important. If he wasn’t there, that could only mean one thing.

The demon had overtaken him, and it was too late for us to save him.

“Do you know how much time we have?” I felt like I was talking past a knot in my throat.

“I’m sorry, I don’t.” Odette leaned on Theo. “I’m very tired, though. That vision took a lot of energy.”

“Let’s lie down.” Theo sent me a glance as he escorted Odette back to her dorm. I turned to face Stefan and Delmare.

“We need to tell Kiara about this,” I said. “She’ll know about druids.”

“Agreed. But we have to let Odette rest,” Delmare said. “I don’t know much about the dryca myself, but I do know seeing the future takes a lot of work.”

Stefan became excited. “If Odette is a seer, we might have a chance to find the Crystals of Harmony. The more visions she has, the more clues we can gain.”

“But it also puts Odette in danger,” Delmare pointed out. “The Circle hasn’t had a seer in decades. They’d want to use Odette for her powers. If word gets out she can see the future, Eli and Gabby will want her in their pocket. They’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she works for them. We have to keep quiet about this, and protect her if necessary. No one can know the truth.”

Stefan nodded firmly, and my stomach twisted in worry. Odette being a seer was a benefit to us… but it was also a threat. She was already a target because she was friends with me. If people found out she had extraordinary powers, they’d hurt her to get what they wanted.

I’d vowed to protect Odette with my life. Now I was ready to take the life of anyone who dared to lay a finger on her.

I wasn’t kidding around. Odette meant everything to me. And now that she was a seer, she meant everything to saving the fae.

I wouldn’t let Eli and Gabby get in the way of that. No matter what I had to do.

A few days passed, and I couldn’t get Odette’s words out of my Copyright 2016 - 2024