The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,177

Though her tone was sure, her eyes still shone with worry for Alexei.

Delmare’s phone went off. All of us jumped— she checked it, and her shoulders slumped in relief.

“I just got a text from Stefan,” Delmare said. “He and the rest of the guys are safe. All the monsters are gone, but a lot of people are hurt. They’re going to stay out all night, make sure they can help who they can. He said they’ll get rid of the costumes before the sun rises, so they don’t get caught.”

I nearly cried with happiness at the mention that Ethan was alive. It was accompanied by the disappointment he was still out there, walking through Dolinska’s grisly streets. It would only be for a few hours— vigilantes needed the night to stay hidden. But I wished Ethan would come home sooner.

Yet I had to make that sacrifice. Ethan was a hero. It was his job to save people.

“We should go to bed,” Delmare suggested. “It’s been a long day.”

That was putting it lightly. It’d been traumatizing. But staying up until sunrise wouldn’t help any of us feel better, or the night pass quicker. I wanted to slip into oblivion for these next few hours, so I could hurry to be at Ethan’s side again.

Us four girls spread out across my four-poster bed and slipped into sleep. Tygrys nestled into my hair and snoozed, but try as I may, I just couldn’t shut my eyes. The faces of the young girl and the old woman looked back at me every time I tried.

I thought of the citizens of Dolinska. For all my efforts tonight, it felt like I had failed them.

I woke up after everyone else did the next morning. The sun was shining, and the other girls were dressed in clean clothes. I sat up, feeling sore and half sick.

“You need to get ready,” Kiara said as she pressed a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt into my hands. “Everyone in the city is being asked to appear before the royal palace. It’s mandatory.”

Probably due to the video. Gabby was giving some explanation, I bet.

“Is Ethan around?” I asked. I was hoping he was in the hall, waiting for me.

“The guys are already there,” Delmare said. “We should go to them.”

It was only the thought of seeing my mate that pushed me on. I got dressed in the bathroom— I threw up twice. Delmare put a water bottle into my hands the moment I came out, and made me drink it. I took short sips, hands shaking as we made our way to the royal palace.

Dolinska was still in shambles, but at least the bodies had been removed, including those of the monsters. A light coating of snow covered the rubble, and disguised the blood that still stained the cobblestone.

When we came to the square that was before the royal palace, I froze. There were so many people here. Too many. My sight searched the crowd for my beloved’s face, but I didn’t see him anywhere.

I didn’t want to be here, packed in again amongst thousands. It felt far too much like last night. I was terrified something awful might happen again. My body shook, wanting to cut and run, but Odette threaded her fingers through mine and held tight. I stayed put.

There was the sound of trumpets— those terrible trumpets— and Gabby appeared on the balcony of the royal palace, flanked by the Circle. They were clearly still supporting her. She wore a ballgown of red, the royal crown atop her head as she approached a microphone stand. She hardly seemed bothered by last night’s scandal.

The crowd began to boo, but it wasn’t everyone— not even half. Gabby raised a gloved hand, and the crowd fell silent.

“People of Malovia,” Gabby spoke, “Last night was a terrible tragedy. King Elijah and I, as well as our armies, did what we could to save the city. But we could not save all. The bodies have been counted, and we have found three-thousand fae have died at the hands of the Black Claw’s efforts— two-thousand of them children. Therefore, the king and I have deemed to call such a catastrophe the Slaughter of the Innocents.”

Such a great cry of grief welled up amongst the crowd that I’d never forget it. Two thousand children gone, just like that. And for what were they sacrificed?

But this didn’t seem enough to placate the crowd. “Tell us about the video!” a man cried, and the crowd Copyright 2016 - 2024