The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,164

dragon for her.

“To which god do you align?” the High Priestess asked.

“I pledge myself to Radek, the Red Stag of War,” Stefan proclaimed.

There were a few polite claps, and the High Priestess turned to Delmare. “Do you, Irena Delmare, vow to join yourself to this shifter in mind, body, and spirit, proclaim him to be your mate, vow to one day be married with him in sacred union, loving him despite whatever cost?”

“I proclaim that Stefan Slasky is my mate, for now and forever, until my watch on the hunt is over and until the end of time.” Delmare’s voice was certain and sure. There was absolutely no doubt, and I could see Stefan’s hands squeeze hers gratefully.

“And to which god do you align?”

“I pledge myself to Neva, the Specter Doe of Shadow and the goddess of time,” Delmare said.

Applause burst from the audience as Delmare and Stefan kissed, and rose to their feet. The nausea in my gut settled. I was delighted they were formally bonded now, and happy for them, but the nervousness I felt from Odette’s words overshadowed the real joy I should’ve felt at their Choosing. As they walked down the stage stairs leading to the square, Odette frantically waved them over. Delmare and Stefan cut through the crowd, clearly confused.

“Why weren’t you guys up there with us?” Stefan asked Theo. “You backing out?”

Odette took a frantic breath. “No, it’s not that, we need to—”

The sound of the trumpets burst again, but it was a different medley— the tune of the king. I grasped for Ethan as I saw Elijah and Gabby stroll onstage, in all their finery. They were flanked by a battalion of guards. Eli sent a nasty look at the couple currently being bonded, and they hurried offstage. The High Priestess stepped forward, confusion shining on her face.

“My king, what is the meaning of this?” she asked.

“We have traitors in our very midst!” Elijah boomed. “Five alicorns have been found guilty of ferrying information to the Black Claw, betraying us to the cult that wishes to end our country so dearly!”

Shock and terror bust out amongst the audience. Elijah waved his hand. My heart plummeted as five alicorns were dragged onstage, all in chains. The terror within me mounted as I realized that Lady Iris was at the line’s head. Her hair was askew, and her robe was bloody. Her face had been beaten so badly it was barely recognizable. I searched the other faces, and realized… Elijah had arrested the entire Alicorn Court.

I wanted to run, but as Elijah had captivated the audience’s attention, guards had swarmed in out of nowhere. They surrounded the square, boxing us in and providing no way of escape.

Lady Iris spoke with a quivering voice. “My lord, I assure you, we’ve done no such—”

“Silence!” Elijah barked. “I will not tolerate betrayal in my kingdom! Tonight, all shall see the penalty for treason!”

A guillotine was brought onstage. Yeah, that’s right— an actual fucking guillotine, like the one they used to behead Marie Antoinette back in the revolutionary days of France. Some members of the Alicorn Court began to sob. Tightness grew in my chest as panic swelled, and all I could focus on was the greedy glittering of Gabby’s eyes, like she was excited to watch this.

“They didn’t betray the country. The Alicorn Court refused to give Eli the location of the alicorn stone,” Kiara whispered in horror. “He’s slaughtering them for it.”

The awful feeling that this was our fault sank in. The Alicorn Court had chosen to help us, not Eli. Now they were paying the price with their lives.

“They deserve a fair trial!” Ethan cried out. Elijah’s eyes flashed, and he searched the crowd for who had said such a thing, but couldn’t place the caller.

“I will have order amongst the fae!” Elijah cried out. “There is no fair trial for traitors and spies. Guards, ready the guillotine!”

Lady Iris stared at the guillotine as if it was her worst nightmare. I grabbed Ethan’s arm. “They helped us! We have to do something!”

“If we try anything, we’ll be slaughtered,” Theo said anxiously as he glanced around. “There are too many guards for us to fight off alone.”

I knew Theo was right, that we were outnumbered— but how could we just stand here and watch?

Lord Radcliffe came onstage. A bit of relief flooded through me. He was Lady Iris’ mate. He’d stand up to Eli and stop this.

Lady Iris must’ve been thinking the same thing. Tears flooded her Copyright 2016 - 2024