The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,158

I love you. I’ve always loved you, and I always will. I can’t sit here and promise you that there will never be any hard times, because there will. I can’t say I’ll never hurt you, because people make mistakes. But I can promise I will never hurt you on purpose, and I will never walk away from you.”

A tear ran down his face as he took a shuddering breath. “For the gods sakes, don’t be the one to walk away this time. Try. Just try.”

Odette’s face cleared. The confusion left her eyes. In one fluid movement, she spun around to face Fake Theo, and said, “You’re not real.”

Fake Theo blew away like a wisp on the wind. Odette twirled and shouted, “Oh, my mate!”

Odette jumped and flung herself onto Theo. He staggered a few steps backward as he caught her, and Odette leaned forward to give Theo the sweetest kiss I’d ever seen. He clutched her tightly, and kissed her back, boosting her up higher so he could continue to profess his love.

In the balcony, the crowd was going wild. Me, along with the rest of my friends, cheered and clapped like we were at a freaking game and our team had scored the winning goal. The Alicorn Court did not applaud, and yet they wore thin smiles.

The box on the quartz podium clicked open. Odette and Theo didn’t notice— not at first. They continued to kiss until they needed to come up for air. Then both of their heads swiveled to the side, to take in the sight of the open box as if they’d just realized it was there.

Odette slid down Theo’s body. She walked to the box and opened the top. Lying on a velvet pillow was a small war axe that would fit perfectly in Odette’s hand. In the hilt of the axe was a circular pink diamond.

The alicorn stone.

Odette squealed and yanked the axe out of the box. She turned it toward us and waved the axe in the air. “Hey, guys! We got it!”

All of us laughed. I went running down the staircase, and I flung my arms around Theo. “Guys, that was amazing!” I cheered.

“Amazing? That was like, totally insane!” Odette gushed as she went into a flurry of sentences. “That fiend was like, so scary, and then Theo was like, rargh, and I was like, eek, and then I ate that apple, and we did that thing, and oh my gods, can you believe that Theo and I are actually mated?!”

“Never would’ve guessed,” I said with a laugh.

Theo put his arm around Odette. “I’d fight a thousand fiends if I could have you.”

“Well, you only had to fight one!” Odette squeaked. “This is going to be such an amazing story to tell our cute babies.”

Theo blushed, and Stefan elbowed him. “She’s already talking about babies, man. She wants your horn, if you get what I’m saying.”

“You’re ruining it,” Theo growled, and Stefan shrugged.

Lady Iris approached us from the staircase, the rest of the Alicorn Court behind her. She upturned her palms as she said, “Well done, both of you. You have succeeded in passing the trial, and have obtained the alicorn stone by proving your faith.”

“Hey, that was too easy,” Stefan objected. “I had to die to get mine.”

Delmare rolled her eyes. I rushed to say, “Thank you for all your help. Do you know where the other stones might be?”

Lady Iris frowned. “I’m afraid the Court is unsure of the location of the other three stones. If we knew, we would help you find them.”

“You’ve done enough, thank you,” Ethan said, and he bowed slightly to Lady Iris. “If there is anything we can do for the Court, let us know, and we will do our best to repay the favor.”

“It is our duty to help the Worldweaver,” Lady Iris replied. “The Alicorn Court has no need for allies. But rest assured we will continue to do everything we can to help you save the world of the fae— from Droga, and from King Elijah.”

Thank the gods she was on the Circle. She was one of the few sane people left on Malovia’s governing council. Perhaps she could help keep Eli in line. “We’ll reach out to you if we need anything else. Thank you again.”

“It is our honor, Worldweaver.” Lady Iris weaved her hands. A pink portal blossomed in front of us, spinning like a flower with petals spanning outward. “This should take you back to Arcanea University. Keep Copyright 2016 - 2024