The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,153

has kept it hidden here, and it has waited all this time for you.” She inclined her head to Emma.

“You knew we were looking for the stone,” Emma said. “How?”

“Each of us has the ability to see into the future, Miss Sosna. It is in our dryca blood, and a requirement of being on the Court,” Iris said. “We know you are the Worldweaver, and need the Crystals of Harmony to reopen the portal to Edinmyre.”

“Why couldn’t you just give us the alicorn stone if you knew we were looking for it?” Theo asked.

“It’s not that simple.” Lady Iris shook her head. “A fae has to show they have the qualities that exemplify the stone. It is the way the magic works. The alicorn stone will not permit us to simply hand it over to you. You have to first find it, and then prove that you are worthy of it. It is the power that the gods set upon the crystals before they scattered them across the two worlds. Every Crystal of Harmony must be earned.”

“So how do we prove we’re worthy?” Emma asked.

“You don’t,” Iris said. “Only an alicorn— or should I say, alicorns— can harness the alicorn stone.”

Her gaze turned to Theo and Odette. Her meaning was clear. This was a test they would have to endure alone.

Theo laced his fingers with Odette’s. He grasped her hand tightly as he said, “What must we do?”

“There is a trial to obtain the alicorn stone, set by the members of the Court,” Iris said. “We will use our magic against you to test your worthiness. If you pass, the alicorn stone will be yours. If you don’t… well, let’s not talk about that.”

“A trial?” Odette squeaked. Her eyes grew wide with fear.

“Yes, and there is no time to prepare,” Lady Iris said. “If you wish to obtain the alicorn stone, you have no choice but to fight.”

Chapter Twenty


Now? Like, right-this-second now?

Theo and Odette were thinking the same thing I was. They glanced at each other, and Lady Iris said, “Neither of you should be worried. Should you exemplify the trait of the alicorn stone, you will pass the trial.”

“Is it dangerous?” Odette asked.

“Oh, very,” Iris said. “But I’m certain it’s something you can handle.”

Lady Iris led us to a large, circular room that appeared to be in the middle of the quartz castle. Inside there was a staircase that spanned down to an arena. Around the arena was a balcony where spectators could watch the challenge below.

In the center of the arena was a tall pillar, with a jeweled box that perched on the top. It was very similar to the box the dragon stone had come in. I bet anything the alicorn stone was inside.

Four other dryca were stationed around the room. All of them looked very old, and were wearing the same velvet robe and starlight crown Lady Iris had. There appeared to be five faeries on the Court, though I only knew Lady Iris.

“What is the test?” Theo asked as we stopped at the head of the staircase.

“Challengers are not allowed to know what they will face before the trial begins,” Lady Iris said. “You must go into it blind, and have faith that you will succeed in your quest.”

That was asking a lot. Who knew what they’d face down there— monsters, magic, maybe even something they couldn’t handle.

Odette moved closer to Theo, and he ran a hand through her hair. “Theo, I don’t want to do this. I’m scared.”

“I’m scared, too, but I’m with you. We can’t give in,” he said. He hugged her, and pressed his lips to the top of her head.

I felt very guilty. “You guys don’t have to do this for me,” I said. “We can turn back.”

“No, we can’t.” Theo faced me. “This isn’t just about you, Em. If we don’t do this, all of faekind will be destroyed. Odette and I won’t let that happen if there’s something we can do about it.”

Odette sniffed, but she nodded. “Okay. I’m ready.”

Theo changed into an alicorn and bowed his head to her. “Climb on my back.”

Odette clambered on. She clung to Theo’s mane as he carried her down the stairs to the middle of the arena. Lady Iris left us, to sweep around the balcony and stand at the circle’s head. The rest of us lined up around the balcony’s edge and held on tightly, fearing what the Court had in store for our friends.

Lady Iris’ voice boomed above the arena. Copyright 2016 - 2024