The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,13

being totally adorable.

Jasper ruffled Ozzie’s hair. “I’m sure that’s exactly what the future will look like.”

“So where’s your famous man?” Finlay took a sip of lemonade and gave me some side-eye. “You’re rarely around campus without the prince.”

He was trying to find out if I was single. I didn’t know if I liked that or not. “I… uh… don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it didn’t work out.”

“That’s a shame.” Arthur frowned and looked at Vara. “I couldn’t imagine leaving my mate, but you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do.”

Finlay didn’t look like he thought it was a shame. He leaned closer to me and said, “My apologies. It must be heartbreaking, but do know there are better options.”

Vara rolled her eyes. “You’re unbelievable.”

“Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice.” The words came out unexpectedly. I didn’t want to share my feelings with these random strangers, but right then, I felt like I had to tell someone. With the demon, and what Ethan and I had shared before, it was hard to know if giving up on us was the best choice I could make. You only got one true mate— one soulmate. A fae could love again, but they’d never have that kind of special connection with anyone else. I knew if Ethan and I were done for good, that was it. Our magic would be undone, and I’d never bond with another shifter. Could I really let that go?

Vara’s voice was kind. “Whatever choice you made will lead you on the best path for yourself,” she said. “Trust that whatever happened in the past, it’ll bring you to the future you need. Even if it’s not the one you wanted.”

Her words brought me some comfort. I was so relieved they weren’t judging me for breaking up with Ethan. Any other Arcanea would be appalled.

I wasn’t very good at making friends, but I’d fallen into this group easily. They couldn’t replace my main group, but having people in my life who weren’t involved in this save-the-world nonsense was honestly a getaway from it all. It made me feel like a normal college girl.

Finlay gave a boorish noise. “Well, I don’t expect you to be lonely too long,” he said. “You’re a pretty lass. Any wolf in his right mind would hurry to gobble you up.”

“Thanks.” I played with the cupcake wrapper. “Though I’m kind of an outcast. It’s weird to think another wolf would want to be saddled with me.”

“Nonsense. The prince was insane to let you go,” Finlay continued, and he puffed out his chest. “I’d make sure to appreciate a girl like you.”

Arthur gave a skeptical noise. “You’re laying it on a bit thick.”

“Options, Arthur.” Finlay gave another roguish smile, and it was so charming my panties nearly came off by themselves.

Finlay was so different from Ethan. He was loud, cocky, and outgoing. Everything my mate wasn’t.

Maybe that’s why it was easy to attach myself to him. He didn’t remind me of my former prince charming. The last thing I wanted was a rebound relationship, but at the same time, I was lonely. I didn’t know if Ethan was ever coming back… or if I could rescue him from the demon that haunted his soul.

Finlay wasn’t exactly my second option, or a distraction, but he was a friend. A friend who was nice to look at. It might be interesting to explore what he had to offer.

Maybe he could help me forget about what I’d lost.

Chapter Three


My first day of class on September seventh felt like the worst day of my life.

You haven’t experienced suffering yet, Nowak.

I walked to Fae Deception with my head down. This class was all about learning the trickery of our ancestors, and applying it to our modernized lives. I’d been looking forward to this class last semester, but I wasn’t anymore. Nothing could get me excited about what lay before me, because as far as I was concerned, I no longer had a future.

You’re right about that.

The leshane curled against my insides as the morning breeze ruffled the curtains in one of the grand hallways. Stefan was talking to Alexei by a banner of an alicorn— he saw me walking by and ran over.

“Ethan, where the hell have you been?” he hissed. “It’d be nice if you showed your face every once in a while.”

I’d been avoiding him ever since I’d confessed about my possession a week ago. I felt too humiliated to face him.

Stefan took my silence as irritation Copyright 2016 - 2024