Alibi (Brantley Walker Off the Books #5) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,5

long, he knew that much. Kylie was a wildcat in the bedroom, and she preferred fast and dirty to slow and sweet, but he would take this for as long as she would allow it.

When she began rocking beneath him, attempting to quicken the pace, he knew she’d be issuing orders any second, and just thinking about it made him grin to himself.

“Travis,” she whispered, her hands moving to his ass, jerking him closer when he sank in deep. “More … please … more.”

He punched his hips forward, listening for her satisfied ahh, yes before doing it again and again until he had to put a hand on the headboard to hold them in place. He drove into her deeper, faster, watching her the entire time, loving the way her back bowed, her breasts thrust upward, the sleek column of her neck stretched as she twisted and contorted in a desperate effort to find her release. He wasn’t giving her nearly enough and he knew it, but Travis wanted to drag it out until she was overwhelmed by the simple pleasure, crazy with the need to come.

It didn’t take long until her nails were digging into his flesh, her body vibrating, her pleas coming faster. Only then did Travis shift positions, pushing up to his knees, adjusting so her feet were planted on his shoulders, allowing him to grab her hips and hold her lower half off the bed so he could pound into her hard and deep.

“Yes,” she screamed. “God, yes.”

With every driving thrust, her breasts bounced, an erotic sight that always got him. In fact, everything about her got him. Thanks to five pregnancies, Kylie’s body wasn’t the same as it had been before, but the truth was, Travis loved it more now than he had in the beginning. She was curvy and soft in all the right places, and never more beautiful. He knew it had something to do with the fact she was confident in her own skin, having grown into the role as mother and wife with the ease of a woman who knew what she was doing.

And she turned him on like no other woman ever could.

“You ready to come for me?” he growled softly, his fingertips digging gently into her flesh.

“Yes … yes … yes…” she moaned with every thrust of his hips.

Travis shifted again, bringing her feet down from his shoulders, slipping his arms beneath her knees and leaning forward, bending her in half as he fucked her, giving her everything he had.

Travis was aware his lovely wife didn’t want sweet and gentle. She wanted to fuck, to enjoy the pleasure assaulting every nerve ending. He knew this because she wasn’t scared to tell them as much.

It was then Kylie grabbed a pillow, placed it over her head, and screamed his name, muffling the sound so as not to alert the kids.

Unable to resist, Travis followed her right over that precarious edge, slamming into her one final time and draining himself.

When he flopped onto the bed, he pulled her onto her side, holding her close, kissing her forehead, and doing his best to catch his breath.

“Good mornin’,” he whispered.

This time, she giggled, nipped his chin, and said, “Yes, I believe it is.”

A couple of hours later, after Travis and Kylie had gotten up, showered—separately, much to Travis’s dismay—and joined Gage in making breakfast and getting the kids ready for the day, Travis was packing up the last of the snacks Kylie insisted on taking with them to the festival.

Despite their afternoon plans, they’d been doing their best to entertain the kids, but when it became apparent the munchkins were unable to focus on anything except for the upcoming Fantasy Festival being held in downtown Coyote Ridge, Travis decided it was time to get the festivities underway. Or rather, he’d informed the kids they would be leaving at exactly noon, which meant they had to watch the clock so they weren’t late.

“Daddy-O! It’s time! It’s time! Let’s go!”

Travis smiled as he tucked his cell phone in his pocket and grabbed the smart key to the Cadillac Escalade.

“I’m comin’,” he called back, hefting the duffel bag onto his shoulder.

“Hurry! Hurry!” Kate chanted, echoing her brother’s excitement.

For the past five minutes, ever since Kylie told the kids they needed to get their shoes on so they could leave, the house had been filled with whoops and hollers, the munchkins eager to get to their destination.

With key in hand, Travis stepped into the foyer to find Copyright 2016 - 2024