Alibi (Brantley Walker Off the Books #5) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,43

he wasn’t the man they’d come to expect to be there, the one who would listen to their bitches and moans because that was his role as the small town’s bartender.

“How’s it goin’?” Mack greeted, his eyes both friendly and concerned.

Being that Mack was married to the sheriff, Trey figured he was up to speed on the case.

“Slow,” he said truthfully.


He nodded as he took a seat, gave the room a cursory glance.

There weren’t many people in tonight, just a couple of old-timers sitting around shooting the shit, a guy and a girl back at the pool tables laughing and making eyes at one another.

Okay, so it turned out this wasn’t much better than sitting alone at a table for dinner. For whatever reason, he’d thought there would be a few more people than this out tonight. What with Valentine’s Day coming up and all, surely he wasn’t the only sad, lonely soul seeking a little bit of company.

“Thanks,” he said when Mack passed over his beer.

Before Trey could strike up a conversation with the bartender, the door opened.

He looked up as he took a sip, and instantly the brew went down a little harder.

There, strolling in and cutting a path right to the bar, was Magnus Storme. He greeted Mack with a smile and a nod, then motioned toward the end of the bar where Trey was seated.

Surely he wasn’t—

Yes. Yes, he was coming to sit down right next to Trey.


Trey took another drink, not bothering to offer any pleasantries.

The smirk that formed on Magnus’s too-handsome face said he was amused by Trey’s obstinance.

“Why’re you here?” Trey finally blurted after the silence began suffocating him.

Magnus glanced at him sideways. “Didn’t realize it was an invitation-only place.”

“Are you stalkin’ me now?”

“Yes,” Magnus said matter-of-factly. “Yes, Trey, that is exactly what I’m doin’. I’ve been hangin’ outside local watering holes waitin’ for you to make an appearance so I could pounce.”

“You’re an ass.”

“I am, sure,” Magnus agreed.

So fucking agreeable.

“Why’re you really here?” Trey demanded.

Magnus glanced around as though checking to see who might be listening. The only other person within earshot was Mack, and he was currently typing something on his phone.

“I’ve decided I’d like a rematch.”

Trey snorted. “Yeah? And what makes you think I’m interested?”

“Are you sayin’ you’re not?”

Trey wasn’t prepared for that comeback, and the moment of silence was enough to give the impression that, yes, he was interested, which meant he had to lay it on thick.

“Not a chance. I told you. One night.” He gave a light shrug of his shoulder. “Wasn’t good enough the first go-round to warrant another.”

Damn it if that didn’t seem to amuse Magnus. The fucker chuckled softly.

“Keep tellin’ yourself that.” Magnus leaned in. “But we both know it was the best fuck either of us has ever had.”

Trey took a long swallow and stared at the back wall of the bar. He was not going to comment, nor would he give away any facial expression that might confirm that statement.

As far as he was concerned, it didn’t matter how fucking good that night was or how many times Trey had relived it in his dreams or used it as fuel for taking the edge off with his own fucking hand. He was not interested in a relationship, and as far as he was concerned, more than one night constituted something more.

Nope, he had every intention of remaining celibate. Even if it killed him.

Which, based on the tightness of his jeans at the moment, it very likely could.


Magnus could practically feel the tension coming off Trey, and he didn’t have to be a genius to know exactly what he was thinking about.

Same thing Magnus had been thinking about for the past month and a half. Ever since that night when he’d followed Trey home from the bar, then ended up half-naked, on the bed, both of them too hot to think of anything but the next kiss, the next touch.

Honestly, that night he’d figured Trey would back out, back down before they ever got that far. He’d seen it in the man’s eyes during their initial encounter when Magnus had interrupted what had appeared to be an argument between Trey and Cyrus. Something in Trey’s eyes had warned him he should proceed with caution. He’d felt Trey’s desire, knew he couldn’t deny there was something between them, but at the same time, Trey had a desperate need to be defiant, to go against his own desires. Someone—Cyrus, maybe—had hurt him and he’d been Copyright 2016 - 2024