Alibi (Brantley Walker Off the Books #5) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,34

since they were currently at a standstill, it’d give Trey something to do, as well.

“I like the idea,” he told him. “Why don’t you take point on that? Head over to Magnus’s place. Get his thoughts on what our options might be. If we can narrow down a search grid, it’d definitely be worth a shot.”

Trey’s gaze shot to Baz then back to Reese. “I wasn’t suggestin’ I be the one—”

Reese had no idea what had happened between the two men, nor was he going to ask, but he knew they had to work it out eventually. Maybe this would move things along.

“I’ll get you his address,” he said, not giving Trey a chance to back out.

Chapter Ten

Trey could’ve kicked himself in his own ass.

What the hell was he thinking suggesting they utilize Magnus’s skills to assist in their investigation?

“Damn it,” he grumbled, steering his truck along the long, narrow dirt drive that led to Camp K-9, the facility owned and operated by the one man Trey had no business talking to right now.

In his defense, it had been an innocent request, one he’d thought might move them forward in their search. At the very least, it was a logical ask. Magnus trained canines as search and rescue, and since they were searching…

“Idiot,” he muttered.

He pulled the truck to a stop, put it in park, and stared up at the metal building with the sign announcing they were open for business.

Inside those walls was the man Trey hadn’t seen since New Year’s, when he’d accepted Magnus’s offer of a single night together. He still remembered the moment he’d given in. Standing outside of Moonshiners, the man so close Trey could smell Magnus’s cologne, see the challenge in those hazel eyes.

“You know there’s only one thing I want from you,” Trey told him, moving in close, keeping his voice low.

“Then you should take it.”

Magnus was so fucking cocky, so sure of himself, and damn it if that didn’t turn Trey on.

“I will shred you,” Trey promised. “It’s inevitable.”

“Maybe. Or maybe I’ll shred you.”

Unfortunately, Trey knew that was the more logical outcome, because he tended to get in over his head where men were concerned, but he was doing his best to warn Magnus off. It would save them both a hell of a lot of time and save Trey another round of heartache.

“Only one thing, Magnus,” he repeated

“I’m not expectin’ roses and wine here, cowboy.” Magnus leaned in, voice low and gruff. “I’m expectin’ you to fuck. Me.”

Even now, the memory of that moment when Magnus had all but given himself to Trey made his dick hard. Never mind the beyond-satisfying events that had happened after that.

Despite tremendous effort, Trey’s thoughts drifted to that night when he’d gone and done something completely out of character for him. And it’d taken place only fifteen minutes after he’d told Magnus to follow him back to his place, a few minutes after he’d tried to talk himself out of it and failed miserably. He remembered walking into his house…

Trey could hear Magnus’s SUV pulling into the short driveway, knew the man would be walking in any minute. He could easily shut the door, lock it, ignore him. Not like Magnus could do a damn thing about it.

But he wouldn’t because he was selfish like that, and this man … Magnus had already pushed him to the point of no return. Trey couldn’t remember a time he’d been turned on like this. With a heat that bordered on violence, a need that was all-consuming.

A soft rap on the door had him turning around, seeing the sexy man standing in his open doorway.

He wasn’t sure what it was about Magnus, but just looking at him made Trey want to sin.

“Shut the door,” he instructed.

Magnus stepped inside the house, shut the door behind him.

Trey didn’t let him take a single step beyond that. He was on him, slamming him into the door, their lips crashing together. He devoured him even as he yanked at his clothes, tugging his shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the floor. When Magnus tried to do the same, Trey gripped his wrists, held firm.

“No promises,” Trey told him. “No strings.”

“None,” Magnus agreed, hazel eyes glittering with heat.

Trey believed Magnus meant it. Then again, he meant it, too. No way was Trey opening himself up to anyone else. He’d had enough of that in his life. He’d never been the sort to fuck for the sake of it, but that Copyright 2016 - 2024