Alibi (Brantley Walker Off the Books #5) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,24

him if the entire town was there to celebrate the life and mourn the passing of a woman who’d been beloved by all.


Gage stared out the window, watching the trees pass by in a blur.

From the backseat of the limousine that would take them to the church, then to the gravesite, Gage tried not to think too much, fearful he might throw himself out of a moving vehicle, refusing to do this, refusing to say goodbye to Kylie, to watch as they placed her in her final resting place.

Tears clogged his throat, but he held them at bay. He had to be strong for the kids.

“Where’s Daddy-O?”

“He’s comin’,” Gage assured Avery, planting a half smile on his face. “I promise, you’ll see him in a little while.”

Gage had spent the past four days feeling as though he was walking through a nightmare without the benefit of knowing he would eventually wake up, that the horror he’d experienced could be put behind him. But this wasn’t a nightmare and he wouldn’t be waking up. The horror was now his new normal.

Kylie was dead, Travis had retreated from the world, and Gage had been forced to explain to his kids what happened and help them understand that, with time, they would all get through this, even if he didn’t necessarily believe it himself.

Thankfully he had help taking care of the details. Lorrie and Curtis were pitching in, cooking meals, helping with the kids, and delegating tasks and chores to Travis’s brothers. They were also helping Kylie’s parents and her sister, ensuring they had everything they needed so they could focus solely on grieving. Gage knew Jessie was having a difficult time dealing with the loss of her sister. She continued to blame herself, claiming she could’ve done more, should’ve done more. She was in denial, a stage of grief Gage was all too familiar with.

In all the time Gage had known the Walkers, starting back when he’d first become friends with Kaleb in elementary school, never had he seen them rally together quite like this. And that was saying something considering the Walkers were always there to help those in need. But this … this sadness was like a wet blanket shrouding everyone. They were doing their best to ensure he didn’t feel alone, but even with their kindness, Gage felt as though he had no one to turn to.

He wouldn’t deny it helped to stay busy, to have something to take care of, but it would’ve been easier if he had Travis at his side. Never had Gage thought he would be the stronger of the two when it came to something like this. Then again, Travis wasn’t giving him much of an option.

When the car came to a stop in front of the church, the kids turned to him. He could feel all those sad eyes waiting for him to direct them on what to do next. He had already explained to Kate, Kade, Avery, and Haden that today they were going to say goodbye to their mother one last time. Kate was in denial, refusing to believe this was real, retreating from everyone just like Travis. Gage couldn’t blame her. If he thought it might bring Kylie back, he would do the same thing. As for the others, he knew they didn’t truly understand it, but he thought it was important, as did the rest of the family, that they be here today.

The only person who hadn’t chimed in, hadn’t offered his opinion had been Travis. Try as he might, Gage could not get Travis to speak to him, and he had a feeling the man believed he was responsible for what happened. Gage understood how he would because he blamed himself, too. If he’d only trusted Travis’s gut when he insisted they find Juliet Prince and bring her to justice. If he had only listened, Kylie would still be with them today, not being buried one day after what should’ve been her thirty-seventh birthday. She hadn’t gotten to celebrate her thirty-seventh birthday. Never would.

Gage fought to breathe around the knot in his throat while he helped the kids out of the car, walked with them toward the steps leading into the church. His heart physically ached as he ascended those steps one at a time.

The door was standing open, Pastor Bob waiting inside to greet them.

But it wasn’t the pastor Gage saw first. No, his eyes instantly moved to Travis, who was standing there, looking as lost and Copyright 2016 - 2024