Alibi (Brantley Walker Off the Books #5) - Nicole Edwards Page 0,22

standing behind her, looking as though he didn’t quite believe what was happening. Brendon was on the phone, most likely calling his wife, Cheyenne, since she was currently on tour.

On the other side of the room, Braydon had his arms wrapped around Jessie, Kylie’s baby sister. She was hysterical, her sobs echoing as loudly as Gage’s. From here, Trey could see that Braydon was sobbing as much as his wife. Not far from them, Curtis was watching over everyone, his eyes sharp and clear, but his breaths were coming far too rapidly. He was on the verge of falling apart, but likely holding it together for everyone else.

And then there was Travis, sitting on the floor, alone, body jerking as he sobbed uncontrollably, head resting on his knees.

To think, there were so many more who hadn’t heard the news yet. The pain and sorrow were only beginning.

Trey couldn’t help but think this was their fault. If they’d only found Juliet Prince, they wouldn’t be here right now. The Walkers wouldn’t be suffering such a tragic, unfathomable loss.

Chapter Seven

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Days passed in a blur.





They were all the same, time having ceased to mean anything to Travis.

He relied on muscle memory to get him through the daily functions, accomplishing the bare minimum. He was relying on his parents, his brothers. They were all there, consoling one another, pitching in to take care of what needed to be taken care of.

Travis couldn’t eat; he couldn’t sleep. He didn’t want to go into the bedroom they’d shared with Kylie, didn’t want to shower in the shower he’d joined her in numerous times, didn’t want to eat off dishes she’d eaten off of. It was too painful. He wanted to be blessedly numb, his mind blank. It was his only objective, yet no matter how hard he fought back the memories, they swamped him at the most inopportune time: every second of the hour, every hour of the day.

Like now, when he was sitting at his desk in his home office, staring blankly at the closed doors. He had just processed the payment that would take care of the funeral arrangements. The ones his mother was taking care of for them.

To his absolute horror, he’d found that Kylie had actually had a will drawn up. She had thought of everything, ensuring they were all taken care of in the event of her death. When? When had she done that and why didn’t he know about it?

Another tear escaped as he accepted the fact he probably did know. Kylie had likely mentioned it to him at some point, probably even encouraged him to do the same. Whatever it took to ensure the children were taken care of if something bad happened. She had always worried because their relationship was complicated. While Travis and Kylie were legally married, they weren’t legally married to Gage. Sure, there was a contract that bound them and covered some legalities, but it didn’t cover everything.

He took in a ragged breath, let it out.

How was he supposed to wake up every single day without her? How was he supposed to want to live another day without her? He wasn’t even sure he could. She was their everything. All of them. They were lost without her.

How in the fuck was he ever going to be able to sleep in their bed knowing she would never be there again? Knowing he would never have the rare moment of watching her sleep? Or waking up and making love to her before the day got started?

Tears dripped unchecked down his face as his chest constricted with every breath.

Who was going to be there to remind him that his socks did not belong on the floor of the bathroom? Or that it was his turn to pick up the kids from daycare? Or suggest he hire someone to mow the lawn because it would simply be easier and the kid down the street was looking to make some money for video games?

And the kids … God, how were they going to get through every single day without seeing their beautiful, loving mother? Who would make Kate chicken-and-stars soup when she didn’t feel well? Or add cut-up hot dogs to Avery’s macaroni and cheese? Who would cuddle with Kade on the couch and sneak bites of chocolate chip cookie dough right out of the tub while they thought no one was watching? Who would sing Haden those silly lullabies that Kylie made up because it made Copyright 2016 - 2024