Alessia (Casella Cousins #4) - Kathryn Shay Page 0,31

for a lovely lady. I have one too, and when we get together, they’ll be a matching set. I love you. Derek.

Resisting the urge to throw the mug against the wall—she’d be furious at herself if she did—she carefully repacked it with the note, then stowed it in a closet in the foyer on a high shelf where the kids wouldn’t find it.

The next day, Alessia decided to bake Christmas cookies. One thing she didn’t like about her kitchen was the cupboard space. The baking goods were placed on a high shelf because they were used less frequently than other spices and ingredients. Going to the treasonous laundry room, she retrieved a step stool, opened the cupboard, stood higher, and reached for the tub of flour.

It slid out too fast and all the white stuff tumbled down on her newly washed hair, dusting her eye lids, into her mouth, then the tub landed on the counter on its side, pouring out the rest of the contents. She spit and sputtered. Plain flour tasted awful.

Shit, shit, shit. After the laundry room debacle, she didn’t need this. Then she heard the front bell ring. She let it go. She’d just shower and clean it up later. But the bell didn’t stop. She had no choice but to answer. She stalked to the foyer and flung the door open. The same delivery man stood before her.

A chuckle. “Been out in the snow?” he asked.

She was tempted to ask him his name so she could report him for being sassy, but Alessia wasn’t a vindictive woman. “Shut up.” She could be rude, though. She signed for the package, a long rectangular one, and congratulated herself for not slamming the door.

This time, she sat on the steps and tore off the brown packing paper. A florist box. She took off the cover and inside nestled two rectangular pots filled with precious orchids. Dreading the note that peeked up, she still tore it open. The note read: These flowers are meant to be planted side-by-side and will grow together lovingly. Like I want to do with you, sweetheart. Please forgive me.

This time, she put her head in her hands.

The next day, the front door opened and Alessia hurried to it. On the stoop stood, not the delivery man, but her son, white sticky stuff in his hair, on his clothes, even on his shoes. “Pete, what happened?”

“I was hopin’ you’d be out. Can I come in? It’s cold out here and this stuff is wet.”

“Not until you tell me what happened.”

“We had a shaving cream fight in school.”

“Um, where’d you get it?”

“We all brought cans. I got mine at VCS.”

“How did you get home?”

Her son shivered. So be it. “Jason’s mother picked us up in her van. I’m, um, suspended.”

“Oh Lord.”

She hadn’t seen the delivery truck had pulled up to the curb and the same employee walked up behind Pete. “Come in, honey,” she said to her son. “Go upstairs.”

She rolled her eyes when she faced Mr. Wise Guy squarely. This time, he was laughing. He quipped, “Boy, who did you piss off?”

“I’m going to report you.”

“Nah, you’re too nice, Alessia. Guess you don’t remember me. I’ve changed since we grew up with together. Joe Callister. Have a good day.” As he left, he glanced over his shoulder. “See you soon.”

She tried hard not to laugh. The whole thing was so stupid, getting mad at a delivery guy who turned out to be a former classmate. She closed the door. She hid the box in the closet until she heard the shower running upstairs. Then she sat in the kitchen and opened the square box. On the front, it said, Belgium chocolates. This time, the card read: Have one piece every day and think about me. I love you, babe!

Man, Derek just didn’t play fair.

* * *

A young man raised his hand. “Agent Drake, I want to say that your talk today, you being so candid, has really helped me. I hope you’ll continue to educate other agents in undercover work.”

A rumble of agreement spread through the entire class of thirty, accented by a vigorous round of applause.

Derek laughed. “I think you can all use my first name. Since I bared my soul and told you to do as I say, not as I did.”

The group laughed and Grant stood. “Class is over, everyone. I’ll see you here tomorrow at the same time and place. Derek, a word?”

The group filed out and Derek hitched his hip Copyright 2016 - 2024