Alessia (Casella Cousins #4) - Kathryn Shay Page 0,19

The kids had panicked. Mikey and Mattie clung to her, their sturdy frames taut. And Pete had stayed by her side. Mama and Judd had taken care of Gideon’s kids, who were crying. Kate tended to Tommy.

They’d all watched, frightened to death as first Rafe, Anabelle, Derek and Gideon, rescued the two teens from the car. Later, they’d learned about the compromised gas tank so they had to act quickly. And with so much bravery, it filled Alessia with pride.

Tonight, Cory, Cara and Carina visited Gid for a half-hour, then Kate took them home. Derek had come to the hospital, too. He’d known exactly what to do in that emergency and she wondered why.

Gideon stirred. “Arrgh.”

She leaned over. “How do you feel, buddy?”

“My back hurts.”

“I’m sure it does. They came in to give you more medicine, but you were asleep. I’ll press for the nurse.”

The male nurse hurried right in and gave him a shot.

The staff here took good care of America’s Finest and Bravest.

After he left, she took Gideon’s hand. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

“Yeah, really bad timing.” His words were a bit slurred.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m up for a sergeant promotion.”

He’d told Alessia that the decision had been postponed because the department was going through some reorganization like the fire department.

“They said earlier this month they’d name the person after Thanksgiving. Won’t be me now I’m hurt…” He sighed heavily. “Gonna be laid up.”

“Oh, Gideon, I know how much you wanted the promotion.”

“I did. And to head the new Major Incidents task force. Probably won’t even be able to be on it.”

“Can’t they hold a spot for you?”

“Yeah, maybe. Not sure, though.”

“Try to put it out of your mind now. And rest.”

Rafe appeared at the door. “Sorry to interrupt, but Mama’s going home after she says goodbye. Seth and I are staying with you all night, Gid. You should leave, too, Ali.”

“Okay.” She stood, leaned over, and kissed her brother’s forehead. “Just recover, Gid. Then you can iron things out.”

Easier said than done, though. She knew how important Gideon’s job was to him.

When she reached the waiting area, her gaze landed on Derek. He sat over in the corner, looking down at his phone. When she reached him, he glanced up. “Hey, you’re back.”

She dropped down into the chair next to him.

“How’s Gideon?”

“He’s awake. In pain. He’s pissed about his promotion.”


“Yeah, he’s been up for one for months and the brass decided to announce after Thanksgiving. He wanted to head a special task force. Now he can’t.”

“The doctor in emergency said he’d suffered several pulled muscles and some bruising. Those things heal.”

“I know. But he’ll be out of work for a couple of weeks.”

He took her hand but there wasn’t much he could say.

“Derek. You knew exactly what to do in the field. Why?”

“I’m an EMT. I don’t use the training much, but I renew it every year.”

“Ah. Was that the job you quit to go back to college?”

“One of them.”

Mama and Judd approached them. “We’re going home to help out Kate.”

“I’ll come too and get my kids.”

“No hurry, dear.”

When they left, Derek stood and held out his hand. “I’ll drive you home.”

He’d parked close but she shivered in her light coat as the temperature had dropped quickly when darkness fell. Once inside the car, she sighed. He asked, “Need a hug?”

“I guess I do.”

He drew her to him, as best he could over the gear shaft. She buried her face in his chest. He smelled of cold and some sweat from the rescue and that unique scent that was him. He put his hand on her neck and kissed the top of her head.

He whispered, “Let’s just stay this way for a little while, honey.”

And suddenly Alessia knew that this man had come to mean something to her, something heady, and exciting, but tender, too.

Chapter 6

* * *

The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Derek headed out to meet Jane. The brisk November wind swirled around him, making him more aware of where he was going. But he pushed the regret aside. He was passing an alley near his apartment when somebody stepped out, grabbed him by the arm, pulled him inside the long, dark side street. His heart beating fast, Derek yanked himself away and put his arms up, boxing style.

The guy stepped back and held up both hands, palms out. “I’m not here for a fight.”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? I could have you arrested for unlawful detention.”

“You’re free to go. But first…” Copyright 2016 - 2024