The Alchemaster's Apprentice - By Walter Moers Page 0,144

me before the night is out.’

‘How nice for him,’ said the Snow-White Widow. ‘However, it won’t come to that. Why not? Because I’ll kill you first.’

Echo tried to steer her away from this ticklish subject. ‘What’s your contract with him about?’

‘That’s three questions you’ve asked me,’ she said coldly. ‘It’s getting to be too much of a good thing. I’ll have to kill you now, and I’m sorry to say it, but yours will be an extremely painful death.’ She broke off. ‘Pah! Of course I’m not sorry, I couldn’t care less.’

Echo had another try. ‘But only Ghoolion has the right to kill me,’ he said. ‘He’s kept his part of the bargain.’

‘There’s nothing about that in my contract with him. First come, first served. He should have acted sooner. I don’t suppose he thought I’d be so quick off the mark.’

‘You really are quick,’ Echo said. ‘I’ve never seen anything or anyone quicker.’

‘Good of you to say so,’ she said, flattered. ‘There are times when I wish I could hold myself in check a little. I’d get more pleasure out of it.’

‘Then do so!’ Echo urged her.

‘Do what?’

‘Slow down, of course.’

The Snow-White Widow seemed to be considering this. ‘Slow down? When? Now, you mean?’

‘Exactly. You’ve got to start some time.’

‘You really are a cunning little fellow. I’ve never spent so long chatting with any of my victims. But you’re wrong if you think your gift of the gab can dissuade me from doing what I do best. Listen carefully: I’m addicted to death. I can’t help it, I enjoy seeing other creatures die. It makes me feel alive. That’s why I’m now going to say what all addicts say when someone urges them to kick the habit.’

‘Which is?’ Echo asked anxiously.

‘They say: Yes, I will. Definitely! Tomorrow without fail! But today I’m going to make a real pig of myself for the last time.’

Echo had run out of ideas.

‘Well, it’s been nice chatting with you,’ she said. ‘But watching you die will be even nicer.’ Several strands of her hair descended on him. ‘I’m sure white will suit you,’ she added.

The strands of hair penetrated his fur. They reached the skin and felt around for some throbbing veins that would help her venom to permeate his body in the shortest possible time.

‘I can’t make up my mind which vein to choose,’ she mused. ‘Your heart is beating so fast, they’re all throbbing away like mad.’

‘Stop!’ A thunderous voice shook the laboratory. ‘He’s mine!’

At lightning speed, the Snow-White Widow withdrew her hair from the furnace and spun round.

‘Phew!’ Echo expelled the air from his lungs in a rush. How long had he been holding his breath? The sound of Ghoolion’s harsh voice was music to his ears.

‘What do you want?’ hissed the Snow-White Widow.

Echo tottered to the mouth of the furnace and craned his neck to see what was happening outside.

The Alchemaster was standing in the doorway to the lift, which was open again. The Snow-White Widow, who was hovering in front of the alchemical furnace, had transferred all her attention to him. Ghoolion gathered his cloak around him and strode briskly across the laboratory.

‘With all due respect, Queen of Fear,’ he said, ‘you’ve had plenty of chances to assuage your hunger. You’ve exterminated a whole host of demons. Their powdered remains are floating all over the castle - it looks like a blizzard. At least leave me this little Crat.’

The Snow-White Widow turned slowly on the spot. Ghoolion halted a few paces from her. He, too, thought it best to preserve a respectful distance.

‘Very well,’ said the Snow-White Widow, ‘I’ll spare the little creature. He’s hardly worth killing in any case. I’ll let him live, then you can have your fun with him.’

‘Many thanks,’ said Ghoolion.

‘On one condition,’ she added.

‘What’s that?’ Ghoolion demanded. ‘Name it!’

‘I know I can run as far away from you as I like, but I also know I’ll always return to my prison because you whispered it to me in my sleep.’

‘So she’s also under a spell!’ it flashed through Echo’s mind.

‘And I also realise I can’t kill you for the same reason,’ the Snow-White Widow went on.

‘My life insurance policy,’ Ghoolion said with a grin.

‘That’s just the point. I want you to annul our contract and release me.’

Ghoolion was taken aback. ‘But that’s impossible,’ he protested. ‘If I annul the contract you’ll not only be free, you’ll be free to kill me. I can’t take that risk.’

‘All right, then I’ll kill the Crat. Our Copyright 2016 - 2024