Airport - By Arthur Hailey Page 0,115

times must I tell you? They were bought in Chicago and New York before I left for Europe; so were the sweaters. The coat was a gift---purchased in the United States. I received it six months ago."

Why, Harry Standish wondered, did people do it? All the statements just made, he knew with certainty, were lies.

To begin with, the dresses---six, all of good quality---had had their labels removed. No one did that innocently; women were usually proud of the labels in quality clothes. More to the point---the workmanship of the dresses was unmistakably French; so was the styling of the fur coat---though a Saks Fifth Avenue label had been sewn unskillfully in the coat lining. What people like Mrs. Mossman failed to realize was that a trained Customs man didn't need to see labels to know where garments originated. Cutting, stitching---even the way a zipper was put in---were like familiar handwriting, and equally distinctive.

The same thing was true of the three expensive sweaters. They also were without labels, and were unmistakably from Scotland, in typical British "drab" shades, not available in the United States. When a U.S. store ordered similar sweaters, the Scottish mills made them in much brighter colors, which the North American market favored. All this, and much else, Customs officers learned as part of their training.

Mrs. Mossman asked, "What happens if I sign the form?"

"Then you may go, madam."

"And take my things with me? All my things?"


"Supposing I refuse to sign?"

"Then we shall be obliged to detain you here while we continue the investigation."

There was the briefest hesitation, then: "Very well. You fill out the form; I'll sign."

"No, madam; you fill it out. Now here, please describe the items, and alongside where you say they were obtained. Please give the name of the stores; also from whom you received the fur coat as a gift..."

Harry Standish thought: He would have to leave in a minute; it was ten to eleven now. He didn't want to reach Flight Two after the doors were closed. But first be had a hunch...

He waited while Mrs. Mossman completed the form and signed it.

Commencing tomorrow, an investigative officer would begin checking out the statement Mrs. Mossman had just made. The dresses and sweaters would be requisitioned and taken to the stores where she claimed they were purchased; the fur jacket would be shown to Saks Fifth Avenue, who would undoubtedly disown it... Mrs. Mossman---though she didn't know it yet---was in for a great deal of trouble, including some heavy Customs duty to be paid, and almost certainly a stiff fine.

"Madam," Inspector Standish said, "is there anything else you wish to declare?"

Mrs. Mossman snapped indignantly, "There certainly isn't!"

"You're sure?" It was Customs Bureau policy to give travelers the utmost opportunity to make voluntary declarations. People were not to be entrapped unless they brought it on themselves.

Not deigning to reply, Mrs. Mossman inclined her head disdainfully.

"In that case, madam," Inspector Standish said, "will you kindly open your handbag?"

For the first time the haughty woman betrayed uncertainty. "But surely, purses are never inspected. I've been through Customs many times..."

"Normally they are not. But we do have the right."

Asking to see the contents of a woman's handbag was a rarity; like a man's pockets, a handbag was considered personal and almost never looked into. But when an individual chose to be difficult, Customs men could be difficult too.

Reluctantly, Mrs. Harriet Du Barry Mossman unclipped her purse.

Harry Standish inspected a lipstick and a gold compact. When he probed the powder in the compact, he extracted a diamond and ruby ring: he blew the powder on the ring away. There was a tube of hand lotion, partially used. Unrolling the tube, he could see that the bottom had been opened. When he pressed the tube near the top, there was something hard inside. He wondered when would-be smugglers would come up with something original. Such old tricks! He had seen them all many times.

Mrs. Mossman was noticeably pale. Her hauteur had disappeared.

"Madam," Inspector Standish said, "I have to leave for a short while, but I'll be back. In any case, this is going to take some time." He instructed the young Customs officer beside him, "Inspect everything else very carefully. Check the linings of the bag and cases, the seams and hems of all the clothes. Make a list. You know what to do."

He was leaving when Mrs. Mossman called after him. "Officer!"

He stopped. "Yes, madam."

"About the coat and dresses... perhaps I did make a mistake... I was confused. Copyright 2016 - 2024