Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,9

like you’ve been talking about.”

“How tall does the fence have to be?” Tara wants to know.

“A minimum of six feet, but seven would be safer,” I tell her.

“Why don’t you plant the things deer don’t like closest to the fence to deter them from trying to get in?” Tara suggests.

“What a wonderful idea!” my mom gushes. “I knew the two of you would be the perfect pair to ensure this garden will be a success.”

Tara’s idea is not as wonderful as my mom seems to think it is; it’s obvious. “I don’t need help,” I tell my mom.

“Nonetheless,” she says, “I’d like you to consult with Tara on what you decide to do. I’m too busy with the holidays coming up to take that on.”

“I’m pretty busy too,” Tara says with some force.

“Of course, you are.” My mom pats her arm. “But don’t you worry, after you two decide what you want, James will take care of the design. All you need to do is agree with his plan.”

“I have to get her approval?” I demand. What the heck does a supermodel turned pastry chef know about gardening?

“You will if you want to be my garden designer,” my mom states plainly.

I’d walk right now if I didn’t need the money. But I have plans for expanding my farm that I can only implement with a solid influx of cash. “When do you want me to consult with her?” I ask grumpily.

“I’m sure you two can agree upon a schedule. While it might take a few weeks, or months even, I’d like regular updates.”

“Mrs. Cavanaugh,” Tara interrupts.

“Ruby,” my mom corrects her.

“Ruby. I don’t really know anything about gardening. Other than caring for a few orchids here and there, I’ve never taken care of plants.”

“Don’t worry, dear. If James can do it, so can you.” Wow, that’s kind of insulting and I’m about to say as much when she looks at her watch and announces, “I have another meeting. Why don’t the two of you sit down and discuss your initial thoughts and get back to me later today?” Tara and I stand there seemingly unsure of what to do next. What in the world is my mom thinking making this a joint project?

“I have to get back to the kitchen and work on tonight’s desserts,” Tara finally says.

“James will join you,” my mom replies. “That way you can talk while you work.”

“I don’t need anyone’s input,” I pointlessly declare again.

“Nonetheless,” my mom replies, “you’re going to have it.”

Why is she doing this to me? I turn and look at Tara who seems equally as befuddled as I am. When she catches me staring, she says, “Well, come on then. I don’t have all day.”

I follow behind her like a faithful dog. And while I hate the analogy, I don’t at all mind the view. Tara Heinz has a perfect face, but believe me when I tell you, her backside comes in a very close second.

Chapter Five


Gwen unsuccessfully tries to slam her front door in the stranger’s face. “Mrs. Heinz!” The woman sticks her boot into the gap before she’s successful. “I just have a couple questions.”

“You people are barnacles on the butt of society, do you know that?” Gwen shouts before giving up the fight over the door. The darn woman has inserted her knee into the space as well.

“I’m sorry you feel that way,” she says, “but truly, I’m not interested in tabloid journalism or muckraking. I’m writing an article on body positivity. I was hoping to interview your daughter for it.”

With her arms folded in front of her, Gwen responds, “I’m sorry, Tara isn’t staying here.” She briefly considers going to the kitchen to get the remaining eggs.

“Do you know where she is?” the journalist wants to know.

“Of course, I do, but I’m not going to tell you. Why don’t you give me your business card? I’ll pass it on if you promise to get off my property. Tara will call you if she’s interested in talking.”

The journalist wearing ripped jeans and an oversized gray sweater backs out of the door frame and hurries to pull a card out of her purse. “Thank you. I appreciate your help.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Chances are you’ll never hear from my daughter.”

“She’s pretty broken up over her breakup with Romaine, huh?”

Gwen eyes the young woman cautiously before answering, “I’d say she’s more relieved than upset.”

“But it had to have been really hard to get dumped because she gained weight. That’s just so Copyright 2016 - 2024