Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,73

push you.”

I’m shocked by how nonchalant he seems to be about the whole thing. “Does everyone else know about your wager with Henry?” I want to know.

“Nah. I told Henry to keep it between the two of us. He was cool with that. Why are you telling me now though?”

I inhale a deep breath and hold it for a couple seconds before setting it free. “Because the tabloids have found out where I am and they’re about to go public with the information.”

“I don’t read tabloids past scanning the headlines at the grocery store, but I thought you might be in the clear after your breakup with Romaine. Why are they still hounding you?”

“Apparently Romaine has named his upcoming album Tomaine. It sounds like it’s going to be a tribute to our relationship so, of course, the rags want to keep stirring the pot.”

Geoffrey reaches across his desk and pats my hand. “I’m sorry. That totally sucks.”

“Thank you. With James’s help though, I think we’ve diffused whatever story they were hoping to get.”

“How so?” he asks while waving away a server who walks into the office.

“James and I pretended to be a couple and let a reporter from the Tattler interview us. The first of three articles comes out on Thanksgiving Day.”

“Okay, good.” He taps his fingers absently on his desk. “Are you back to work then?”

“For sure. I can start now if you want. I’m jonesing to get into the kitchen and bake something.”

“Tomorrow is soon enough. But I should warn you, the wedding planner for that wedding we’re doing the day after Thanksgiving has already arrived and she’s a piece of work.”

“How so?” Just what I need, coming back to work to more drama.

“She’s super high-strung. I told her it was possible we couldn’t get the exact cut of meat she ordered, and she nearly flipped a biscuit. I told her whatever we used would be comparable, but she filleted me with that sharp tongue of hers anyway. She also demanded to meet with you about the cake.”

“I’m happy to talk to her,” I say, “but it’s not like it’s a particularly complicated cake. It’s not even a big one.”

Geoffrey rolls his eyes. “I know, but she’s a type A control freak. Just be prepared if she shows up looking for you.” He changes the subject and says, “Are you staying on the down-low with everyone?

I hadn’t planned to, but I suddenly change my mind, desperate for a last few moments of anonymity. “Don’t go out of your way to tell them just yet. They’re going to find out soon, but I’d like the reporter to be gone before that happens.” I don’t want any of them to try to make a quick buck by selling stories about me, not that I’ve done much of interest since being here.

Flashing a big smile along with a double thumbs up, Geoffrey says, “Gotcha.” Then he gets up and heads back to work.

I’m not quite sure what to do with myself, but I don’t want to go back home just yet. I decide to head out to the lodge and enjoy being among the masses for a change. I’m done being locked away in a room. I’m ready to face the music, whatever that may be.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


“What do you think about us hiring an event planner?” Ruby asks Chris while they walk around the ballroom going over the floor map for the upcoming wedding.

“I think it would be a great idea if we were in a big city. But being out here in the boonies will limit the number of events we can book.”

“Once word gets out, we could get interest from all over the Willamette Valley. I think it’s worth a try.”

Chris stops walking and turns to her friend. “Rubes, you’ve got to settle down. First, you had the cabins renovated, then you decided to have a garden put in, and now you want to take on more business? What’s wrong with one project at a time?”

Ruby adjusts the sleeping puppy in her arms and answers, “The cabins are done, and the garden is in the planning stages, but nothing can be done until spring. I need something else for right now.”

“Why?” Chris wants to know. “Why can’t you just enjoy what you have without running yourself ragged?”

“Because what I have is a lot of alone time. Too much alone time. The busier I am, the happier I am,” she declares honestly.

Chris shakes her head. “If this is the way Copyright 2016 - 2024