Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,64

on the way to the lobby. Syd Byerly steps in.

I’m prepared to ignore the fact that we’ve had prior run-ins, but he doesn’t seem so inclined. “You need to tell Tara to quit hiding from me. I have some important information for her.”

“I told you back at my farm, I don’t know anyone named Tara.”

“Mr. Cavanaugh, playing stupid is not in Tara’s or your best interest.” He hands me his business card. “Have her call me. I promise, she’ll regret it if she doesn’t.”

“Are you threatening her?” I demand, astonished at his nerve.

“Not in the least,” he answers. “I’m not the one she’ll be hurt by.”

I’m not sure what to say to that. Although, I’m half tempted to put Penny down and see if she’ll pee on his leg or something. I do not like threats and I sure as heck don’t respond well to them. Yet, I still pocket his card.

After Penny does her thing outside, I hand her off to Chris at the front desk who tells me that my mom has been looking for her granddog. Then I hurry upstairs so I’m there in time for our breakfast delivery.

I’m not sure what the heck I’m going to tell Tara about Syd.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Gwen picks up her phone and on a whim sends Ruby a text.

Gwen: I invited Billy over for dinner last night. He is an exceptional man.

Ruby: I told you so.

Gwen: I think he’s worried I’m going to judge him for his past homelessness though.

Ruby: Forgive me if I’m being intrusive, but are you just friends or is there something more to it?

Gwen: I think something more is possible.

Ruby: I only ask because Billy has never seemed to worry what other people thought about him before. At risk of sounding too high school, do you want me to talk to him?

Gwen: I don’t think so. I think we just need to let this play out. Maybe it’s nothing more than friendship, which would be fine. I’m just really impressed by him.

Ruby: It’s funny, isn’t it? We spend so much of our lives thinking a person’s value is measured by possessions and position, and then someone like Billy comes along who blows that theory right out of the water.

Gwen: Would you like to have lunch today?

Ruby: Very much so. Meet me in the dining room at noon.

Gwen: I’ll see you then.


I reach over to cuddle Penny, but she’s gone. James must have taken her out. I had such a wonderful time last night that I keep my eyes closed and relive some of the high points. Riding a mechanical bull is everything the movies would have you believe and more. I can’t wait to do it again.

More importantly, I can’t wait to kiss James again. Something shifted between us last night and while I’m nervous about how to behave in front of him today, I’m excited to see him.

When I hear the knock on the connecting door, I call out, “Come in!”

James pushes a cart from room service through the door. “Good morning, sleepy head. Did you sleep well?”

I smile shyly. “I did, thank you. How about you?”

“I tossed and turned. I had a lot on my mind.” He looks kind of pale. I hope he’s not coming down with something the day of our big swimsuit shoot.

I wait to see if he’s going to elaborate. When he doesn’t, I offer, “I had a wonderful time last night, thank you.”

He brings a tray over to the bed and places it on my lap before leaning down and giving me the sweetest kiss. “Me too.”

Then he walks back to the cart to get his food. He carries it over to the other side of the bed. It looks like we’re both going to have breakfast in bed. But unlike me, James is on top of the covers.

“I ran into Syd Byerly in the elevator when I took Penny downstairs. She’s with my mom right now.”

“Did he say something to you?” I ask nervously.

“He wants you to call him.” He puts a business card on my tray. “He says he wants to warn you about something.”

“Warn me? I barely know the guy. What on Earth could he want to warn me about? We already know Rachel Perry is in town.”

James shrugs his gorgeous broad shoulders. “I don’t know, but as much as it pains me to say, I think he might be on the up and up.”

“I can’t imagine he came all the way to Oregon to help me. It’s Copyright 2016 - 2024