Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,48

I’ve moved on from Romaine.”

“Where are we meeting her?” I ask.

“Down by the stables. I figured Syd will have a hard time following her if we meet there. If he does, we’ll definitely see him coming.”

“I’m kind of nervous,” I confess.

“Just remember to stay as close to the truth as you can. That way there will be less to trip you up later.”

“What do you want me to wear?” I ask uncomfortably. I’ve never had my picture taken for anything bigger than the Spartan Gazette. And, well, that was a disaster.

“What’s wrong with what you’re wearing now?” she asks.

“Jeans and a flannel shirt are enough?”

“We’re not trying to fool people into thinking you’re anything other than you are. You’re a farmer. It’s okay to look like one.”

“If you say so.” We spend the rest of the morning rehearsing our lines. I feel as convincing as a cow pretending to be a cowboy. Tara assures me it will be easier tomorrow.

I’m about to go over to my farm to tell Hank he has the green light to do all the work necessary when Tara says, “I have an idea that might make it easier to fool Rachel,” she pauses before adding, “or harder, depending on how it goes.”

That’s comforting—Not. “What’s your idea?”

She hems and haws and stares at her feet for an inordinate amount of time before saying, “If we’re trying to sell Rachel on the lie that we’re in love, we’re going to need to act the part.”

I nod my head in agreement. “Of course.”

“So…” she looks about as comfortable as a chicken with its head on the chopping block, “I think it might help if we kissed.”

“For a picture?” I’m not sure I want the whole world to be privy to a private moment like that, as enticing at it sounds.

“No, right now.”

“You want to kiss me?” I suddenly feel like I did when I was a freshman in high school and Jordan Gates and I were hiding under the bleachers in the school gym. She stuck her wad of gum on a support beam and asked, “Wanna make out?” I’d always envisioned my first kiss being a little more romantic, but that hadn’t stopped me from saying yes.

Tara takes a step toward me. “It will help sell our story if we look like we’re physically comfortable together.”

I would love to kiss Tara. I dreamed of it as a teenager. The only problem is that I’m one hundred percent sure I’m going to like it way more than she will, and I really don’t need to fall for someone I’m in a fake relationship with. I just want to get my plumbing fixed.

Tara’s long wavy hair is caressing her shoulders, and her full pink lips are slightly parted like she’s about to blow out birthday candles. I’d have to kick my own ass if I walked away from an opportunity like that.

“What kind of kiss are you talking about?” I doubt we’re about to embark on a full-on makeout session, which is obviously where my mind goes.

Instead of answering my question, she steps closer and elegantly drapes her arms around my neck. She’s so darn beautiful, I can’t believe this is about to happen.

Not to sound like a heroine in some cheesy romance novel—because that’s never a good look for a guy—but the kiss is absolutely incredible. It’s soft and sweet, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s only an appetizer for what I really want.

When Tara steps back, I reach out and grab a hold of her elbows and pull her back into my arms. I give her plenty of time to turn away. When she doesn’t, I lean down and initiate contact of my own. I make sure it lasts a hell of a lot longer than the peck she gave me.

The fresh minty taste of her is nearly my undoing, but it’s her enthusiastic participation that really unnerves me. Tara Heinz fits in my arms like no one else ever has. How can that be? There’s no way I’m supposed to wind up with a supermodel. As such, I need to stop kissing her now.

The only problem is, I’m not sure I can.

Chapter Twenty-Five


“Ruby, hi. What can I do for you?” Gwen greets her daughter’s boss after opening her front door.

“Do you mind if I come in? I thought we should talk.”

“Please.” Gwen steps back.

Handing over the bouquet of flowers, Ruby announces, “I’ve been trying to set up our kids since the summertime.”

Gwen’s mouth forms a Copyright 2016 - 2024