Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,24

with her toy bone. Then I go to the kitchen for her food. When I come back, James has already taken off for heaven knows where, so I head out to my car. As soon as the puppy is situated next to me, I pull out my phone to find the closest pet store.

I can’t imagine James has had the time or inclination to get Penny all of the things she needs. The first thing I see once we get inside the store is one of those machines that makes identification tags for a dog’s collar. I run my credit card through it, reasoning that the machine isn’t going to tell anyone who I am. Then I type in all of Penny’s information. I include her name, Penny Cavanaugh, her address, James’s farm, and for the owner I put James Cavanaugh, Dad. Then because I have the option of an additional line, I add Tara Delaney, Aunt.

I fire off a quick text to James asking if he’s had a chance to take Penny to the vet. He answers within seconds that he hasn’t, so I make the executive decision to make an appointment for later that afternoon.

Penny and I spend an hour walking around the store together buying toys and accessories, like a few little sweaters, and a new rhinestone-studded collar. After that, I take her back to my place for lunch and a nap. After her vet appointment, she sleeps on me while I watch movies. We have such a nice day together I’m not sure I’m going to be able to give her back to James tonight.

After Notting Hill ends—Julia Roberts, a.k.a. Anna Scott, and I both have a real hate/hate relationship with the press—I head to the kitchen for a snack. I’m interrupted by a knock on the door. I’m tempted not to answer because I don’t want to lose my furry friend so soon. The second knock is accompanied by a familiar voice calling, “Tara, it’s your mother. Let me in!”

Chapter Twelve


“Our last seating is at three. This way the staff can either go home to be with their families or join us for our celebration after our guests are fed,” Ruby tells Geoffrey after handing him the final menu across the table where they’re sitting in the lodge dining room.

Geoffrey flips through the pages quickly. “I’ll be here with you this year and I know of at least six others from the kitchen that will as well.”

Ruby nods. “Housekeeping says they have five joining us and I know there will be a couple more from maintenance. I think we’re going to have a nice-sized party this year.

While collecting his planning notebook, Geoffrey says, “It’s nice that your family eats with the staff instead of the guests. It instills a real feeling of community.”

Ruby smiles fondly. “Tom and I always thought of our staff as family, so as far as I’m concerned, we’re having a family celebration.”

Geoffrey reaches across the table and squeezes his boss’s hand. “You’re good people, Ruby.” Then he stands up and asks, “Can you ask James what he has in mind for our centerpieces for Thanksgiving weekend?”

“He’s already brought a nice assortment of gourds and squash. I’ve been spraying some of them gold. I figured we’d scatter those on half the tables and put mums on the others.”

“What about pumpkins for the pies? Tara mentioned she wanted to get those cooked down so they’re ready for baking. Also, she needs some for the wedding cake she’s making.”

“I’ll have James talk to Tara about it.” She signals a server to refill her coffee before asking, “Do you have a special someone joining you for Thanksgiving this year?”

“I’m sorry to report that I don’t, but I promise to make a better effort next year.”

After Geoffrey walks away, Ruby opens her notebook and starts a new list. Under the heading, “Who Needs Love?”, she writes Geoffrey’s name in the top spot.


“There’s a reason they tell folks to be careful opening up walls,” my plumber, Hank Fredon, tells me. We’re standing in my master bath inspecting the giant hole next to the shower.

I nervously run my hands through my hair. “But if I hadn’t accidentally opened the wall, we wouldn’t have found the leak until the whole bathroom fell onto the first floor.”

“There’s that.” Hank nods his head thoughtfully. “With the cost of new piping, new sub flooring and cement board for the shower wall, you’re looking at a minimum of four grand, and that doesn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024