Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,14


Lady and the Tramp traumatized me as a kid. Those poor dogs singing the blues in those tiny kennels; it was too much. I watch as the puppy curls up and immediately falls asleep on the passenger side of my truck. While I decide what my best course of action is, I should at least go to the Quick Mart and get some food for her. She’s probably starving.

Looking at the clock, I see that it’s already two-thirty. I’ll never make it to the store and still get to my meeting with Tara on time. I’m sure my mom’s pastry chef would be thrilled if I canceled, but I don’t want to make her that happy.

I reach over and pet the puppy while laying my foot on the gas. I’m going to that meeting and I’m bringing a friend.

Chapter Seven


Gwen pulls open her closet and drags out her largest suitcase while she waits for her daughter’s phone to go to voicemail. “Tara, it’s your mother. I’m coming to Oregon early. I still plan to spend a week at the lodge after Thanksgiving, but I’ve decided to stay with you first.

“It’s gotten so bad around here, I can’t walk out my front door without someone taking a picture of me in hopes it’s you. Today, they got a nice shot of my skirt blowing up. I don’t know how you ever put up with all the attention; it’s giving me hives. Also, I may have been responsible for sending a reporter to the hospital. How was I to know he’d turn around at the exact moment I threw that egg? Don’t worry, I’m sure his vision is only temporarily impaired.

“Make a list of all the things you want done to your rental and I’ll do them for you while I’m there. I will arrive in a few days. I’ll rent a car, so you don’t have to pick me up.

“Just think of the fun we’re going to have! It’ll be like old times when we traveled the world together. I know you have to work, but I’m sure there will still be loads of time to show me around.

“Do you think I’ll need a winter coat while I’m there? I’ll pack several sweaters and a couple of jackets. Call me back!”


Things I love About My Mom

Her total devotion to me

Things That Drive Me Nuts About My Mom

Her total devotion to me

My phone pings to let me know I have a new voicemail message. After pouring the brandy into my chantilly cream, I wait for it to fully incorporate before turning the mixer off and listening to the message.

I love my mother. I’m sorry for all the grief I’m causing her over my breakup and subsequent exodus from LA. I’m grateful for all she’s sacrificed for me. Having said that, I do not have the time she thinks I have to chauffeur her around Oregon. I’ve barely seen anything beyond ten miles of my front door.

A quick peek at the time on my phone alerts me that it’s three o’clock on the nose. I dish up both plum creations and am just about to take them to the dining room for my meeting with James when my phone pings again. Can you meet me in the parking lot? Bring some cooked chicken and a bowl of water pls.

What in the world is that all about? I’m about to text back that he can get those things himself, when I realize it’ll probably be easier to just do as he asks. I ask Geoffrey for a chicken sandwich while I fill a soup bowl full of water and get everything on a serving tray, including an iced tea in case James needs something to wash down his sandwich.

I want to hurry up and get this meeting over with so I can head home. I’ve been at work since five o’clock this morning and I’m ready to put my feet up.

Walking through the back door to the parking lot almost leads to catastrophe when I trip over a milk crate that shouldn’t be there. I kick it out of the way in case the next person isn’t so lucky.

James’s old red pick-up truck is right by the door. He’s looking at his phone and not out the window, so he doesn’t see me. “James, open your door!” I yell none-too-pleasantly. Why in the world are we meeting in the parking lot anyway?

He glances up and immediately gets out of the cab. “Do you mind Copyright 2016 - 2024