Agony(Entangled Hearts Duet #1) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,78

I get married, I want my wife to know that she has every part of me. It’s not a decision based on religious beliefs, but personal ones.”

“Wow,” I breathe.

“So… where does that leave us?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, confused.

“Is this a deal breaker for you? Sex?”

Is it? I’ve never really thought about it. It’s not like I’m seasoned in the act myself. My prom-night blunder isn’t exactly screaming sex goddess. “No,” I answer him. “It’s not a deal breaker for me. I respect your decision, and I’m glad that you told me.”

“You’re not breaking up with me?”

“No. However, I have wondered a few times why you were so patient with me not moving things forward.”

“Trust me, Reese. You have been the test to my vow.” His eyes heat as they rake over my body. “You don’t know how many times I’ve imagined us together.”

“Is your family going to hate me because I’m not… you know, pure?”

“No. I don’t even know if they know about my vow. Like I said it has nothing to do with religious beliefs. It’s just something I promised myself, and if you can’t keep promises made to yourself, what kind of man are you?”

I take a seat back on the couch and curl up under the blanket. “What made you decide?”

“When I was ten, my older brother Jacob was sixteen. I heard him and his girlfriend at the time in his room one night. He was trying to break up with her; she’d gotten clingy, at least that’s what he told her. She started to cry and told him that she was pregnant. The room got quiet, and when my brother spoke again, I could hear the fear in his voice. I slipped back into my room and kept my mouth shut. Fast-forward a few weeks, and they told her parents and mine. They were disappointed because they were so young, but taking it one day at a time. We’re a family, and we’ll get through this. I remember those were my mother’s words the day that she found out. My father, he just nodded his agreement. They were on board to help any way that they could.”

“They sound great. Your parents.” Makes me less fearful to meet them next week.

“Yeah, they really are,” he says, taking a seat next to me on the couch. “Anyway, they went to the doctor for her first visit, and there was no baby. Tracy, his girlfriend, said she must have lost it. The doctor told her that’s not how it happens. Anyway, long story short, she lied. She wasn’t pregnant. She made it all up to keep Jacob from breaking up with her.”

“That’s terrible. How could anyone do that?”

“I don’t know. What I do know is that I never want to be in that position. That day, the way my brother mourned the loss of a child he had grown to love the idea of, the one that didn’t exist, I vowed to wait. I want to know that when I’m being told that I’m going to be a father, that it’s the real deal. I want to know that I love that woman without a shadow of a doubt, and creating a family with her will be an honor. So, yeah, that’s what made my decision for me.”

“And your brother?”

“He’s married. No kids yet. He didn’t have sex again until his wedding night. Hell…” He rakes his hands over his face. “Maybe it’s just me wanting to be like my big brother, but really it’s to avoid going through what he went through.”

“Hey.” I reach out and place my hand on his leg. “I respect your choices, Hunter. Thank you for explaining them to me when you didn’t have to.”

“I did have to. I’ve never felt like this for anyone. I’ve felt attraction, have been tempted, but I’ve never had my heart feel like it’s melting just by hearing a name or seeing you walk into a room. I’m in love with you, Reese.”

I can’t say it back. I’m not there. I care about him, but I’m not in love with him. I don’t know if my heart will ever love again. I don’t know if I’m capable of giving it to someone else. I’m not sure that I was able to gather all of the pieces when they shattered that night in Cooper’s room. What I do know is that Hunter is a great guy, even more than I ever imagined, and I enjoy spending time Copyright 2016 - 2024