Agony(Entangled Hearts Duet #1) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,58

me. “Hey. It’s good to see you. Hi, Tessa,” he greets. His eyes dart around. “Where are the guys?” he asks.

“Girls’ night,” Tessa speaks before I can.

“Nice.” He bobs his head and grins. “What are you drinking?”

“Oh, we just ordered.” Again, Tessa answers.

He slides into the seat next to me, and the three of us begin to chat about what comes next. Hunter is an accounting major and has a job here in town at a local firm.

“Where’s home?” Tessa asks, keeping the conversation going.

“Florida. My parents aren’t too happy that I’m not moving back, but this town has grown on me, and the position is a good one. The pay too.” He grins. “What about you?” he asks Tessa.

“I’m going with Nix, wherever that leads us.”

“You?” he asks me.

“I’m not sure yet. I’ve applied and had the first round of interviews for the county as a social worker. It just depends on that.”

“Maybe we can catch up, have dinner sometime.” He throws the offer out there.

“Yeah.” I smile. Hunter is an attractive guy. He’s got light brown hair and big blue eyes. He’s slender, yet you can tell he takes care of his body. He’s at least a couple of inches shorter than Cooper, but still taller than me. He seems like a really sweet guy. “That would be nice,” I add when I realize I’ve just been staring at him.

Daughtry’s “Start to Something Good” filters through the speakers. “Want to dance?” Hunter motions his head toward the dance floor.

I open my mouth to decline, but remember this is what I need to do. I need to branch out, spend time with people other than my core group of friends that are all moving on. I need to let a man other than Cooper have some of my time. “Sure.” I finish the last of my drink and slide off my stool.

“You know what, I’m not feeling so well. I think I’m going to head home,” Tessa says. She looks at Hunter. “Can you please make sure she gets home safe?”

“I’ll come with you,” I tell her, flashing Hunter an apologetic look.

“No,” she says quickly. “I’ll be fine. I’ll order an Uber and see you at home.” She leans in for a hug and whispers, “He might not be your forever, but you need this. Enjoy tonight, Reese.” With that, she’s gone.

My eyes follow her until she disappears. Then flash back to Hunter. “Shall we?” I ask, offering him my hand.

He takes it and leads me out on the dance floor. His hands settle on my waist as I slide mine behind his neck. We’re quiet as we sway back and forth and listen to the song. It gives me faith that there is someone out there for me. I just hope that I have room in my heart for someone else. Only time will tell.

Chapter 17


When Nixon told me that he was going to the girls’ apartment to wait on them to get home, I was all in to tag along. It’s something that I wouldn’t have thought twice about before last night. However, here I am sitting on their couch, staring blindly at the TV, wondering if she’s going to be mad that I’m here. Normally, we’d hang out and then go to bed. Her bed. I would sleep next to her, and all would be good. Nothing sexual, just friends. We’ve shared a bed countless times, but tonight, I feel as though she might not want me here.

It’s not just that. How am I supposed to lie next to her and not touch her? Not kiss her? I don’t know that I can, and that scares me.

“My girl,” Nixon says, smiling at his phone.

“What?” I ask.

He looks up as if he just remembered I’ve been sitting here with him. “Tess is on her way home.”

I nod. Glad they’re not going to be out late. Two women on their own is dangerous late at night. Then his words register with me. “Just Tess?”

He cringes. “Yeah, I guess she didn’t want to be the third wheel.”

“Third wheel?” I’m aware I’m repeating everything he says, but I can’t seem to form words otherwise.

“That’s all I know, man.” He gives me a sympathetic look.

Fuck. I run my fingers through my hair. Tessa wouldn’t feel like a third wheel if it were another female in their group. Leaning forward, I rest my elbows on my knees, my head bowed as I calm the fuck down. I can’t have her; she’s my Copyright 2016 - 2024