Agony(Entangled Hearts Duet #1) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,55

my wallet,” Nixon says, and dashes up the steps.

“Where are Trey and Dustin?” I ask Cooper. It’s my lame attempt at conversation pretending that everything is normal. Pretending that my heart doesn’t ache.

“Still sleeping. We tried everything to get them up.” His eyes are locked on mine.

“I know the feeling. I was exhausted,” I say, averting my gaze to look around the room. “It’s not too bad this time.”

“Yeah, I cleaned up some when I woke up and found you gone. Gave me something to do since you weren’t answering your phone.”

“Sorry about that. I was out. But, hey, at least you got a head start on clean up.” I turn back to face him and smile.

“Reese.” He steps close and grabs my hand. “Are we okay?”

“Of course, we are. Why would you ask that?” I know why. Like I said, an actress I am not.

“Reese.” His eyes are soft, his voice pleading.

With more courage than I ever thought I had, I tell him what he needs to hear. “It’s fine, Coop. We were both drinking, and one thing led to another. We stopped before the point of no return. It’s all good. I promise.” I give him a forced smile, one I hope he can’t tell isn’t real. “Now, you dragged me out of bed for food. Are you planning on feeding me anytime soon?”

“Come here.” He tugs me into a hug. I close my eyes and fight off tears. I can’t let him see me cry.

“Come on, you two, time’s a-wasting!” Tessa calls out, dragging Nixon behind her as they pass through the front door.

“The others are meeting us there,” Nixon announces. I guess he was able to get them up and moving.

“I’m starving. I might wither away,” I say, putting some distance between us. I grab his hand, just as Tessa had with Nixon and pull him outside. This is us. This is what we do. My heart will just have to get over it. I’ll take Cooper Reeves any way that I can have him. Best friends, that’s what we are, and how we shall remain. As for the pieces of my heart, with time, I’m sure I can mend them back together.

We end up at a small diner in town. The food is cheap and better than most five-star restaurants. Trey, Dustin, and Hank are on one side of the table. Nixon, Tessa, and Cooper are on the other. I’m sitting on the end between Cooper and Hank. Which is why Hank has free access when he reaches over and steals a fry from my plate.

“Hey.” I swat playfully at his hand.

“What? I’m a growing man, Reese.” He snatches another one. Not that I care. They give you huge portions, and I’m never able to finish all of mine. Normally, I could offer them to Cooper.

“Fine,” I say, pretending to be put out, but I slide my plate with a pile of leftover fries his way.

“Those are mine.” Cooper reaches over to grab a fry, but Hank is faster, anticipating his move, and slides the plate out of his reach. “Ah ah ah.” Hank holds up his pointer finger and wiggles it back and forth. “Reese’s Cup gave these to me.”

Cooper glares at him. “I feel like I’m babysitting.” I laugh. I grab a handful of my leftover fries and drop them on Cooper’s plate. His eyes find mine, and the look he gives me tells me that this is about more than just french fries. I thought I was doing okay pretending things are normal between us. I guess maybe I’m not. Damn it, I should have made sure Cooper had all the fucking french fries.

“Those were mine.” Hank pretends to pout before grinning and popping a fry in his mouth.

“You have to share,” I tell him in my best mothering voice, and our table of friends break out in laughter.

“We all know that Hank likes to share,” Trey quips.

Hank opens his mouth, but I hold up my hand to stop him. “Nope. We’re not going there. What you do behind closed doors, needs to stay behind the door.”

“But what if it’s not behind closed doors?” He gives me a wicked smile and shrugs his shoulders.

I look over at Cooper and point to Hank. “He’s your friend,” I say, teasing.

He studies me for several long seconds that seem like hours. When he finally opens his mouth to reply, a leggy brunette walks up to the table and interrupts him.

“Hi, Cooper.” Her voice is sugary Copyright 2016 - 2024