Agony(Entangled Hearts Duet #1) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,31

okay?” I keep my eyes trained on hers.

“Yes. I think I need to sit.”

I nod and help her to the bed. “Let’s get you dressed.” Carefully, I pull the shirt over her head and close my eyes as she slides her arms through each opening. Snatching the sweats, I kneel before her, helping her into them. She stands and supports her weight on my shoulders as I pull them up her creamy thighs. “All set,” I say, standing. My voice is gruff, and my throat is parched. I reach for one of the bottles of water and down it.

“Here, drink this and take these.”

Thankfully, she does as I ask. When the water bottle is empty, she hands it back to me, and I toss it into the small trash can next to the bed. “You good?”

“I’m good.” She moves back on the bed and wiggles her way under the covers. “Are you coming to bed?”

Fuck. I can’t lie next to her like this. “I’m just going to grab a quick shower.” Grabbing a shirt and some sweats, I snatch my room key from the desk and rush down the hall to take a cold shower. I don’t bother letting the water warm up. I strip out of my clothes, before turning on the spray, and stepping underneath it. I don’t feel the cold, not while my body is on fire for her.

For Reese.

My best friend.

Taking my cock in my hand, I pump hard and fast. The water is barely warm before I’m spilling my desire down the drain. Reaching for the knob, I turn the water to hot and let it beat down on me. I can’t believe I just did that. I jacked off to images of my best friend. What’s worse is I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to see anyone but her ever again.

Finishing my shower, I dry off and get dressed. By the time I make it back to my room, Reese is thankfully sound asleep. I lock the door and climb into the opposite side of the bed from her. I stare up at the shadows dancing across the ceiling as I berate myself for what I just did. For this entire night, I ogled her, and that was wrong. Oh, so wrong, and I know that it is. But, if it’s so wrong, why did it feel so right?

Chapter 10


I’m awake, but I don’t want to open my eyes. The room is spinning, and I know once I peel my eyes open, it’s going to be worse. On instinct, I slip a leg from underneath the covers and throw it over the bed. I’ve heard that if you can put one foot firmly on the floor, the room will begin to settle. I don’t know because I’ve never drunk like I did last night.

“Ugh, I’m too short,” I groan.

A deep chuckle fills the room. I don’t have to look to know it’s Cooper. “Good thing I cut you off when I did.”

“Why?” I moan. “Why did you let me drink so much?”

“Hey, I’m not your keeper.”

I manage to lift my finger and point to his side of the bed, my eyes still closed. “Best-friend job description.”

Another deep chuckle greets me. “I gave you water and headache medicine.”

“Thank you. I could use another round after I relieve my bladder.”

“Already got you covered. The second round is waiting for you on the nightstand.”

“Can you go to the bathroom for me too?”

“Let me guess. The room is spinning?”

I swallow hard, fighting off nausea. “Yep.”

“It’s like pulling off a Band-Aid. Get it over with, and then you’ll feel better.”

“That’s easy for you to say. I hate throwing up.”

“Come on, drunk girl.” I feel the bed dip and hear his feet hit the floor. “I held your hair back last night. What’s once more?” I hear from my opposite side.

“I’m sorry.” Slowly I peek one eye open. Nothing bad happens, so I peel the other open as well. The room is still spinning, so I try to focus on Cooper.

His eyes are soft as he stares down at me. “Nothing to be sorry for. I’ve always got you, Reese.” With that, he holds out his hand and helps me sit up. “Can you walk? I can carry you.”

“Number two, please.”

“Up you go,” he says as he bends and scoops me in his arms. His long strides carry us to the bathroom, where he gently sets me on my feet. “You need my help?”

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