Aggro - CoraLee June Page 0,74

used it to get me to work for him. My loyalty is to you. It’s to Violet’s memory. I want to help the police catch him.”

I couldn’t believe what Kai was saying about his brother. “Are you sure, Kai? This is huge. How do you plan on doing that? I don’t want you putting yourself in danger.”

Kai stood up and wrapped his arms around me. I held him tight against my trembling body. I knew firsthand how temperamental and dangerous Lex was. The threats he’d thrown my way were proof enough of that. “I’m going to get closer to him—temporarily. I’m going to figure out what happened—”

“No. I don’t like that, Kai. I’m not going to risk you.”

I felt Kai smile against my neck. He was nuzzling me, breathing me in. “You care about me, Little Whisper?” he asked, his voice nothing more than a rasp.

“Of course I care,” I stammered. “I don’t like this. Let the police handle it.”

Kai pulled away and licked his lips, staring down at me. “Can I kiss you? Hearing you all worried about me makes me want to kiss your worries away.”

I chewed the inside of my cheek. This felt like a big moment. Something that would send us diving into the depths of this budding thing between us. I knew I had a choice here. I knew I could push him away, and Kai would accept that. But I didn’t want to. I didn’t want any more distance between us. I was feeling on the edge of something that felt bigger than the both of us. My mother’s words burned through my mind. I needed to let go of my guilt. I needed to live my life.

I lifted up on my tiptoes and bravely pressed my lips to his, answering his question with an unspoken promise. This was happening. Kai moaned when I gave in. Kissing Kai was like getting caught inside a bomb wave. I felt trapped between the shoreline and breaking waves. We were in the crash zone. His hands roamed my body, cupping my ass, gripping my hips, and brushing his rough hands against the sides of my breasts. I wanted more.

They say the ocean can smell your fear. It’s why you have to dive into every ride with all you’ve got. You never know when it’ll be your last. And if you’re going to wipe out, you might as well do it chasing the wave of your life. I jumped up a little, wrapping my legs around his middle, grinding against him as our kisses turned rough. He held me tightly against him as I savored the taste of his tongue.

He walked me toward the front door, yanking it open with a hard tug before bringing me inside and toward his bedroom. I moaned into his mouth. I threaded my hands through his hair and pulled, exposing his neck so I could nip at his heated skin there.

Within an instant, my back hit his mattress, and I dug my elbows into the plush cushion so I was propped up, biting my lip as I watched him remove his shirt. Each dip and groove of his abs was flexed under my hard stare. His tanned skin was peppered with beads of sweat. He ran a hand down his stomach and tugged at the waistband of his board shorts, adjusting himself. Intrusive thoughts about what he and Violet did in this very bed threatened to ruin the moment, but I pushed them away. Violet brought us together, I wouldn’t let her memory tear us apart.

“You look so beautiful, Little Whisper,” he said, his voice full of awe and adoration. I was breathing heavily. My entire body was on fire. I’d never done this before. I’d never offered myself so freely. I’d never wanted someone like I wanted Kai Lewis.

“Come here,” I pleaded. Kai wasted no time. His knees landed on the mattress, and he crawled closer, hovering over my body. His lips found my shin, my knee, my thigh. His hands pried my legs apart, and I watched him lick my skin. “I-I’ve never…”

A flush of embarrassment flooded me at my words. Kai was obviously experienced, and I didn’t want to ruin this, but he needed to know that this was new territory for me. Kai paused before nipping at my inner thigh. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.” He moved up my body before kissing my lips with angry resolve. I fell into the mattress as he hovered over me. “I Copyright 2016 - 2024