Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,70

base of his throat and then his chest. Chris sought her mouth again and he kissed her wildly, passionately while she shoved the material off his shoulders.

The heavy throb of sexual need stirred in the pit of her stomach as she ran her hands over lean muscles of his bare back. She felt his skin heat beneath her roving hands and her own body ignited in response. Raw need built inside her as she captured his lips and explored his mouth in a hot, greedy kiss.

Chris broke away just long enough to strip her blouse from her. He unhooked her bra and cupped the weight of her breasts in his palms. His thumbs massaged the nipples to sensitive peaks, then he bent his head to take one into his mouth. When he began suckling gently, she exhaled a sharp gasp of pleasure at the wet, tugging sensation.

Her hands raked through his hair, holding his head in place as he gave her other breast the same attention. Rei arched her back and groaned as white-hot bolts of lust shot through her body. Dampness pooled in her feminine center and her vaginal muscles began to quiver with need.

When Chris reluctantly moved away from her to finish taking off his pants, she slid off the desk so she could unzip her skirt and step out of it. Her bra and panties quickly followed, then she looked up to admire his naked body. Desire overwhelmed her in a powerful rush. She wanted him. Very badly.

He magically produced a condom from somewhere, then reached for her. He gently guided her down onto the soft pile carpet, kneeling beside her to once again claim her mouth. She lay back and held her arms out to him. After making sure they were protected, he moved over her and positioned himself between her legs.

She reached between their bodies to take his throbbing penis in her hand. Gliding her fingers along the length of his shaft, she spread her thighs and guided him into her wet passage. Her body clenched, then adjusted and welcomed him as he slowly filled her to the hilt.

Her sigh of pleasure quickly transformed into a moan of desire. Chris smiled at her and held her gaze. Love shown in his eyes as he worshipped her body in the most intimate way. She skimmed her hands along his sides until she cupped his taut buttocks and urged him closer, deeper.

He accelerated the tempo, surging forward and pulling back only to plunge into her again, harder and deeper. Wrapping her legs tighter around his hips, her hands clutched at the sweat slick muscles of his back. The relentless pressure in her womb increased until the orgasm shuddered through her, rocking her to the core.

An eternity later Chris’s body tensed and she could feel the deep pulsating in his shaft that signaled his climax. The contractions ripped a cry from his throat and he pressed his face to her shoulder to muffle the sound. Her body was still clenching with the aftereffects of amazing sex when he finally withdrew and shifted his weight off of her.

They lay side by side, sweating, while Rei tried to catch her breath and slow her heart rate. After a moment, Chris got up and went into the small washroom. He eventually came back and handed her a warm cloth and a dry towel before turning away to find his briefs.

“So, sweetheart, what do you want to do for the rest of the evening?”

“I want to go home, Chris. I want to hold you all night long and rejoice in knowing you’ll be there when I wake up in the morning and every morning after that. Then, tomorrow, I’ve got a very special lunch meeting.”

Saturday, April 26th

Accomplishments: Jump out of a plane on purpose

“OH, MY GOD! Are we really going to do this?” Rei shouted to be heard, not an easy task when the thin air made it hard to breathe and the whine of the propellers droned in her ears.

Chris grinned at her from beneath the protective goggles covering his eyes. “We’re almost at ten thousand feet. It’s a little late to be asking that.”

“I can still change my mind though, right?”

“Not if you want to check this off your List.”

Her stomach had started fluttering as they’d driven out of the city this morning, heading north on Highway 12. It had continued to quiver throughout meeting her tandem instructor, watching the safety video and completing the brief training class. Now, during Copyright 2016 - 2024