Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,66

only promises to in troduce you to people who seem to be compatible.”

“Chris didn’t have to coach the guys,” Tina insisted. “I think he saw their sincerity and loneliness and, if not for his advice, they wouldn’t have had the confidence to enter a relationship.”

Michelle nodded. “I have to admit, I wouldn’t have given Eric a second chance except that I noticed the results of Chris’s suggestions.”

Autumn turned to the other couple. “Now, I understand you two just got engaged?”

Tina beamed happily. “Yes, we did. We’re planning a winter wedding, and Chris’s is the first name on our guest list. I’ve never been happier or more in love.”

Marvin blushed and cleared his throat. “Let’s face it, I’m not the best looking guy and I’ve always been shy. Chris identified and helped bring out my positive qualities, as well as coaching me on how to act more confidently. Thanks to the Lunch Meetings service, I’ve found the perfect woman. Tina loves me unconditionally for exactly who I am.”

Rei didn’t hear the rest of the interview. She didn’t need to. Unconditional love was the one thing she’d desperately wanted for the past twenty-five years. She closed her eyes as the image of her mother filled her mind and the memory of Keiko’s love pervaded her heart.

Then another face appeared, the face of the man who’d offered wholehearted friendship and uninhibited passion. She was still hurt over his reaction to her cancer scare, but she knew from other women in her support group that friends and family, especially males, often responded negatively to hide their fear.

That was another example of her believing the worst of Chris without asking him to explain. Her ethics had been called into question twice recently. However, the Bayside interview had just reminded her of something very important. Ethics was as much about doing the right thing as about upholding the law.

Rei stood up and went back to the closet. She had to get dressed and get to the courthouse. She had a lot to do today.


Friday, April 25th

Accomplishments: Perform an anonymous good deed; Ask for forgiveness; Tell someone you love them

“COMMISSIONER DAVIS, you’re in early this morning. And you’re…Pink.”

Rei smiled at Mary Alice and twirled to show off her coral and white floral blouse and dark peony skirt. “I’m making a few changes.”

Mary Alice nodded. “Change can be good. It keeps life interesting.”

“What’s on the docket for today?”

Her court services clerk thumbed through the files in her arm as she rattled off the morning’s cases. “We’ve got a couple of divorces, an abuse case and several custody disputes.”

“Another fun-filled day, huh?” She shoved her purse into one of the desk drawers. “Before we get started, I need to take care of a couple of things.”

Mary Alice shifted the files again. “Sure, Commissioner. You’ve got about a half hour before I call the first case.”

“Perfect.” Rei picked up the phone and dialed P.J.’s number. She spun her desk chair toward the window, once again making a mental note to try the opera sometime soon. Her friend answered on the third ring.

“Hi, Peej. It’s me. How’s the Queen of the World today?”

“Hm, sounds like you’re buttering me up for something. What’s going on?”

“I need to talk to you about taking a risk.”

Ten minutes later, she hung up the phone excited. P.J. had a good head for business and bottom lines, but she was also a romantic at heart. Rei knew she could be counted on to come through with this favor. She bounced out of her chair and prepared to ask for another one.

As she walked along the hallway, she came across the supervising judge, going the other way. “’Morning, Judge Orr.”

His bushy white brows shot up in response to her outfit, but he nodded a greeting as he passed. “Commissioner.”

Rei smiled to herself. Little did Judge Orr know that she was about to shoot his “zero-tolerance policy” straight to hell. She remembered how it was to be an emotionally neglected child, to feel unwanted and ignored. She knocked on the door to her friend Commissioner Whitney’s chambers and stuck her head inside.

“Hi, Sarah. Have you got a moment? I’d like to discuss the Russo case.”

THE AFTERNOON HAD dragged on endlessly, until finally Chris had made the decision to send Lara home early. The dining room had served fewer than a dozen people all day and it closed at three anyway. There hadn’t been any potential new clients to meet, and he didn’t have any private consultations tonight.

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